10 gallon


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
I want to set up a 10g invert tank. I am looking at an all inclusive kit. What will I need just for the inverts? Do I do the same thing as if I were adding fish to it? The things I like are crabs, shrimp, sea stars. Is it possible to keep them all together? I like the Halloween Hermit Crab. I looked and can't find if it stays submerged all the time or if it has to have air. I am guessing I will need live rock regardless correct?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
well I am not aware of the problems your having with your FW, but planning is good, halloween hermits need to be underwater at all times., If your keeping inverts some low light corals would be nice too. so a 40 watt light fixture would be great, and 1 or 2 small power heads for water movement, a heater, LR, sand, you can keep most of the things you mentioned together without a problem(there are of course some exceptions in each catagory). and some kind of hob filter, with weekly water changes of 2-4 gallons. A skimmer on a tank this small is not really practical.