10G Nano based on lordroads sticky

Oct 17, 2003
Hampton, Virginia
(Question at the end) I have decided to start a G reef tank, so I went out and bought some stuff and priced live rock from several fish stores in the area. I am going to use lordroads setup for the most part. I am going to buy everything a little at a time over the next 3 paychecks (Give me something to look forward to)

Here is what I bought today:
New standard G
2 powersweep 212 powerheads
Whisper 20
15 lbs bag of aragonite.

The rest of what I plan to get:
Watt heater
10-12 lbs live rock
Instant Ocean slat mix
saltwater test kit
3-4 reef hermits
2 Astrea snails
either 2 Nassarius or Margarita snails
the nano soft coral pack -> http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=2033
A pair of true or false perculas (maybe just one)
3 sexy shrimp?

Question: I have been reading about lighting and have read the the 96 Watt fixtures are not efficient because of the reflector design. I had been planning on buying the coralife 96 Watt fixture because its pretty cheap and I really like my 240 Watt coralife on my freshwater tank. People on nano-reef.com recommend the orbit or satellite 2x40 watt fixtures. Also in the same price range is the coralife 2x65watt 24" fixture. I want to keep soft corals and maybe a clam if I can. Which one of these ligts do you think would be the best? Also any suggestions on my setup?

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Dont know if you are aware, but make sure to wait a bit and let the tank cycle before you pick up even inverts for the tank.

The coralife pc units are a really decent light, Id go with the 96 watt

You wouldnt be able to keep any of the tridacna clams under those lights, they do better under metal halides.

Oct 17, 2003
Hampton, Virginia
Thanks mushroom man, yes I know to let the tank cycle after I put the live rock in. When I said I plan on gettin my stuff over the next six weeks I meant the equipment. I am not in an hurry to finish setting everythign up. I want to take my time and do it all right. This will be my first saltwater.
Im kinda bummed that I cant get a clam but I guess I could save that for the next next tank.