(Question at the end) I have decided to start a G reef tank, so I went out and bought some stuff and priced live rock from several fish stores in the area. I am going to use lordroads setup for the most part. I am going to buy everything a little at a time over the next 3 paychecks (Give me something to look forward to)
Here is what I bought today:
New standard G
2 powersweep 212 powerheads
Whisper 20
15 lbs bag of aragonite.
The rest of what I plan to get:
Watt heater
10-12 lbs live rock
Instant Ocean slat mix
saltwater test kit
3-4 reef hermits
2 Astrea snails
either 2 Nassarius or Margarita snails
the nano soft coral pack -> http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=2033
A pair of true or false perculas (maybe just one)
3 sexy shrimp?
Question: I have been reading about lighting and have read the the 96 Watt fixtures are not efficient because of the reflector design. I had been planning on buying the coralife 96 Watt fixture because its pretty cheap and I really like my 240 Watt coralife on my freshwater tank. People on nano-reef.com recommend the orbit or satellite 2x40 watt fixtures. Also in the same price range is the coralife 2x65watt 24" fixture. I want to keep soft corals and maybe a clam if I can. Which one of these ligts do you think would be the best? Also any suggestions on my setup?
Here is what I bought today:
New standard G
2 powersweep 212 powerheads
Whisper 20
15 lbs bag of aragonite.
The rest of what I plan to get:
Watt heater
10-12 lbs live rock
Instant Ocean slat mix
saltwater test kit
3-4 reef hermits
2 Astrea snails
either 2 Nassarius or Margarita snails
the nano soft coral pack -> http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=2033
A pair of true or false perculas (maybe just one)
3 sexy shrimp?
Question: I have been reading about lighting and have read the the 96 Watt fixtures are not efficient because of the reflector design. I had been planning on buying the coralife 96 Watt fixture because its pretty cheap and I really like my 240 Watt coralife on my freshwater tank. People on nano-reef.com recommend the orbit or satellite 2x40 watt fixtures. Also in the same price range is the coralife 2x65watt 24" fixture. I want to keep soft corals and maybe a clam if I can. Which one of these ligts do you think would be the best? Also any suggestions on my setup?