10gal stocking


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
My 10gal is setup at the moment for a substrate sifter. Thats the main fish i want in my 10gal. I was thinking of a yellow clown goby since they stay small and give off a nice yellow color that i like. Are they good sand sifters? I really would like to add a pair of perculas or false percs with my goby but do you think thats pushing it pretty far? tomorrow i will be adding the first of my CUC, im thinking 3 ceriths and 1 turbo? too much, to little?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
id say a yellow watchman would be a better choice for a goby and just one perc would work.... thats pretty much how i had m y old 10g nano stocked along with some xenia, zoos, shrooms, gsp, and rics ;) oh and i had a pistol paired up with the goby


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Yes, the YWG and pistol shrimp combo is one of my favorites. But i was planning on having that in my larger SW tank. Also i have yet to see a YWG at my lfs, although everytime i go the suprise me. Also im looking at lighting and tell me if this is too good to be true, lol. Its on ebay. A retrofit kit. $95 and that includes shipping, for a 250 watt MH And i have the option between a 14k or 20k bulb? Or a 400 watt MH samething 14k or 20k bulb for $100. and this guy has a TON of both. Is a good deal for me? I might get a few of each for that price. lol


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
a 10g is too small for a diamond goby, they need a little more room to roam ;)
as far as going with the pistol/goby in your larger tank i find it easier to keep then im a smaller tank since 1 youll never see them in a larger tank and 2 i find it a little easier to keep the rocks sturdy with all the tunneling
thats a pretty good deal for the retrofit kit, i paid $129 plus shipping for each of mine and they didnt come with a bulb.... youll prolly want some better bulbs and youll wanna check if these are magnetic or electronic ballasts (mine are electronic) but for that pice it doesnt sound bad
what size is your other tank?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
That is a good price, though the bulb is probably an "off brand" will still work i'm sure...its just probably not a brand most are used to seeing or using. I paid about the same as TRe for each of my 250w kits without a bulb so $95 for just the fixture and ballast would be a deal.

Electronic ballasts are the way to go if you have the choice. And i think you will be fine with a 250w, i think 400w may be a little much for your needs now unless you have a setup going in like TR2. ;)


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
At the moment i have a 29 and 10 up and going. But in the near future im looking into a tank between 90-125gal. Yea they are off brand lights i believe, but i think they would be good. I was thinking of putting the 250 over my 29 and if i get a 125gal tank probably, would 2 250w one on each side and a 400w in the middle be too much? I believe that the company name is economy. Im not quite sure. Should i get the 14k bulb or the 20k bulb?

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have a wheelers goby paired with a tiger pistol shrimp and they are pretty active at moving sand though they are not sand sifters per se. Yellow clown gobies are not sand sifters at all but are perching gobies. As most sand sifting gobies derive their nutritional needs through the sifting process I wouldn't recommend one for that size tank as it is unlikely that there would be enough fauna in the substrate to support the fish long term. Hence the yellow watchman or other watchman gobies are better choices, just pick a small specimen such as a ya****o or wheeler or yellow.......