120l tank - what's good to get it going

Aug 16, 2010
I need some help, I'm upgrading from a 30 litre tank to a 120 litre in a months time. What are some good fish to start out with for it? I want to keep the ones in my other tank

3 tetras
2 albino corys


Any ideas? preferably I would like something colourful but also that will survive in the new tank


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
What kind of tetras? Tetras and cories both do better in groups of 4+ (the more the better).

You could do a centerpiece fish, like a gourami (love the opalines or honeys), up your school of tetras to 6 or so, then up your school of cories to 5 or so. Your cories don't all have to be albinos either. You could do two pandas, two albinos, and two peppereds...or any combo really. They'll all school together. Tetras will only school with similarly shaped tetras, however (neons with cardinals and black neons; black skirts with red minors and white skirts; that sort of thing).

AqAdvisor.com is a great stocking resource that will let you know if what you're planning will fit in your tank and, if you provide it with your filtration information, if you have enough filter capacity for the fish you have/want.