125 gallon questions.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
my friend has a 125 gallon saltwater FO tank. in it she has:
1 domino damselfish(1.5 in)
1 blue damselfish(1.5 in)
1 neon damselfish(2 in)
1 coral beauty angel(2 in)
1 french angel(1.5 in)
1 auriga butterflyfish(3 in)
1 one-spot foxface rabbitfish(3-3.5 in)
1 maroon clownfish(2 in)
1 chocolate chip starfish( across;2.5 in)
1 general red starfish(acroos;3.5 in)
1 heniochus butterflyfish(3 in)
1 yellow tang(1.5 in)
1 striped squirrelfish(2.5 in)
1 spotted hawkfish(2 in)
alot of fish huh?!:eek:
the foxface and auriga butterfly were acquired yesterday and the heniochus pecks at the foxface. i heard that surgeonfish, butterflyfish, and angelfish tend to do this, but when will it stop? thanks and sorry for the long post.