And patience...maybe the most important ingredient! You will also need time to research what fish/plants you want and money to support what ever you buy-you may need ferts, CO2 or other special requirements depending on the species of plants and fish. You can get plants that do not require anything other then the light that comes with most hoods, on the other hand you depending on what you choose, you may need lots more!
Well I have a parrot cichlid in a tank with 5 molly fry, 5 black neon tetras, a raphael cat, and a choco plec. I wanted to transfer those fish over and add a few but I am still researching as to what. Probably some swordtails and different tetras. I was looking at angel fish but I don;t know if i wanna risk it. I am not going to get any really high maintenance plants.
I have alot of time to think about it because I won't be moving until next fall and thats when I want it set up. I was also thinking about doing the planted half of the tank in gravel and the other half in sand. Any opinions on that?
I'd just do the whole thing sand. Or spring for a good plant-specific substrate like Eco Complete or Flourite. The sand and gravel would mix together way too easily (trust me, I know from experience).