Well, I probably shouldn't say this out in the forum, but my fish combo is really wonderful... a true perc and a mandarin. Active and colorful, you can see them all times of the day.
I'd call around and check out some stores and see if you can find one that readily eata roe or cyclo. Tough part is is talking the LFS into letting you try the experiment in their tank of feeding different foods. That's been hit and miss for me. A couple stores liked the idea for obvious reasons (especially as I supplied the food, usually bought from them), some others were really cold to it.
I think kids will love the mandarinfish. You could also educate them on their feeding and learn 'em at a young age.
*For anyone who doesn't know, mandarins are traditionally reserved for 75+ gallon system with up to 80-100 # of live rock due to the fact their main source of food is copepods found on the rocks. Most mandarins will not touch food you can offer them, and frozen or live brine is not a substitute.
I keep mine in a ten gallon. The fish eats sushi roe. I tried raising pods on my own in different containers, but that got to be too much of a biznotch. I now supplement with pods from my non-fish reef vase and daily feed roe.*