135 gallon heating issues

Dec 31, 2009
We are setting up a new 135 gallon freshwater tank. The room temperature sometimes drops to 60 degrees and we are wondering if the 5 watts per gallon heating recommendation will still apply. The water will be circulating and the fish are native to our area so they can withstand some cooling but I am concerned about the fluctuation so does anyone have any suggestions? thanks


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
All depends on how well your particular tank holds the heat. How its covered, and what's around the tank, the air circulation in the room, etc. All these make a difference and you won't know until you try it. Even though the fish can handle cold temps, daily fluctuation is very stressful to them and will stress them, risking illness. Get the recommended heater size and monitor it. If the temp changes at night more than a few degrees or keeps too low, add another heater. Even though I live in Florida, I add heaters in winter to maintain stability because we like the windows open when its cold. I add heaters that have thermostats, not just the ones will an up/down. These heaters only come on when needed. You can get even little ones now that will maintain 78. They work well for me. I store them in summer. Also, all my bigger tanks have two heaters. One on each end always seems to work better for stability to me.