14g tank - what's a good combination?

Feb 27, 2008
I've kept goldfish for a while, but decided to make the move to freshwater tropical fish after my last one passed away (RIP, Moby - you got big and mean over the years, but you'll still be missed). I've got a 14g tank with a couple of plants in it that's cycling at the moment. Still haven't decided on what combo I'm going to put in it, and a bit worried about overstocking the tank, so, inept newbie questions ahoy...

1) Neon tetra. I've got my heart set on getting some of these, but I don't want to get so many they take up the whole tank. Would five or six be okay, or would they prefer a bigger school?

2) Is there anything I could get that would live at the bottom of the tank, not grow too big, and be happy living on its own or in small numbers? I was thinking about getting a few otos, but heard that they're really happiest in groups of 4 and above, and I'd like something in there other than otos and tetra.

3) I'd also like something big-ish (as in, bigger than the tetra!) that'll live happily with everything else. Not too fond of guppies, so... betta? Dwarf gourami?

4) And finally, how gradually should I add the fish? I don't want to add too many at once, but I am itching to get fish in this tank ASAP...

Thanks for any advice!


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
1) 5 or would be just fine. I have five in mine.

2) Some of the smaller cories would be an excellent bottom feeder. They LOVE groups and are, from what I have heard, quite the cute and fun things to watch. For singular bottom feeders I like shrimp- they are excellent cleaners and are quite interesting to look at.

3) A betta is a risk as some will not tolerate anything else in their tanks. A dwarf gourami would be a good choice I think.

4) if your tank is already cycled you could add them 2-3 at a time per week. I'd do it in the order of bottom feeders, neons, then your big fish. This will help to stop the big fish from becoming territorial.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Betta's are wonderful that way too. Mine rubs up against my hand when I reach into the tank. Just if you get one, get him/her last and get only one. You shouldn't have any problems. They're much calmer then given credit for as long as their tank is appropriately stocked.

I would follow Ishar's stocking recommendation as well and leave at least 2 weeks between additions just to be on the safe side.