150 Gallon Tank Journal


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
I Seen the other post of a tank journal and it seemed like a great idea rather than several related threads.

So I started with a 150 Reef Ready AGA with tall oak stand.

I have added a Iwaki MD-100RLT external pressure pump that supplies 8x3/4 returns, I have 2 on each side of the overflow, one up top and one towards the bottom.

The next piece of equipment is a Coralife super luft pump SL-38 this supplies a flexible bubble wall the length of the tank and a few misc air stones I will place around driftwood down the road.

I added 3 inches of natural pea gravels not sure how many pounds I think it was 120lbs give or take.

The light is a 60in Current fixture 4x65w PC I have to replace the bulbs to 6500k but will do in time. I imagine the 10k bulbs and actinic will grow algae like crazy.

The sump will be complete tomorrow, it is a standard 30 gallon with 3 dividers to remove bubbles and place filter media so the water flows through. I will assemble tomorrow and install the following day.

I set everything up yesterday except the sump, for now I am using a rubber maid just to cycle the tank till I get the 30 done. I added water last night around 3am and it has been running ever since.

I need to round up some big rocks and driftwood get the sump in and the tank is complete.

Well there you have it so far I will try to get pics up although I didn't get step by step since I don't have a Pc kind of a pain posting on a blackberry.

I wasn't sure about A large pump but the way I have it set up with multiple outlets and one pump powering both overflows, the result is a nice mellow flow/current, I was worried about having to much direct flow but it worked out nicely.

Pics coming soon.


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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
sounds good... I would replace the actinics with 6700K but the 10000K should be okay. Make sure you setup a fishless cycle once you get that sump in and the other decor, but sounds pretty good. Plan on doing a planted tank? You have the light.... I think.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
Planted Tank Hmm

I am not sure if I want to go with a planted tank or not, seems easy enough once you have the Co2 set up but that is quite expensive.

I did a little reading the past few days but I am on the fence about that subject.

What substrate and fertilizer do I use? That is the only question I have, is the pea gravel enough if I add some type of fertilizer?

I will do more reading and get back to you on the planted thing, I planned to do Large pieces of driftwood and Rock piles/caves and 3-4 fake plants well see how it all works out.


unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I think if you dose some ferts and do pressurized CO2 the pea gravel may work for most plants. You may want to try just some lower light plants and not worry about CO2 or ferts. I'd atleast give it a shot with what you have and if they grow awesome, if not, not a big lost.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
I might give it a shot, what type of fertilize and plant food do you suggest? Also what type of plants would you recommend for easy care and low light?

I added an X-large piece of driftwood today measures 30"X15"X8" also added a large piece 18"X8"X4" those are rough estimates the size and shape vary so much hard to get an accurate measurement. The large piece I attached to the brace at the top of the tank so it hangs down from the top rather than the bottom, looks pretty decent, probably sounds terrible. :)

I also threw one 30" fake plant in there tonight as well not big on artificial but something till I get the rest of the driftwood in and the rocks..

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I hope that the wood isn't bothering the brace too much. I use seachem's products for ferts but with that size tank dry ferts would be better. There are tons of low light plants out there, just go to a site and they usually have the separated by light requirements. With that size tank, the watt per gallon rule may be out the window and you can do medium light plants as well, if not higher.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
The driftwood attached to the brace does sound horrible I must admit, the drift wood is floating so it has no pressure on the brace either way I just tied it off so it doesn't drift around the tank. There was really no need for it but I just wanted to be sure it wasn't going anywhere in case.

I think I will go out today and find some rocks to make caves and stacks hopefully a few more pieces of large driftwood.

I will keep posting, little by little the tank is coming along. I had to put a hold on the sump for now used my weekly tank budget. Lol For now the tank is just circulating water, I will more than likely do a 75% water change once I am done adding driftwood rocks and all that good stuff. Hopefully in about 2-3 weeks everything will be in it's place and I can start adding fish.

Well that it for now hopefully I can get some pics up tomorrow.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
Added rocks last evening and 5 fake plants today the set up looks nice, I got my 30 gallon sump complete but it will be tomorrow evening before it is ready to install.

I snagged a few fish today. 2 Pelvicachromis taeniatus, 2 neon rosy barbs, 1 Jordanella floridae I think will identify down the road.

These are the tenants I added today all about an inch long and that will be it for a while just needed something in there and my levels are perfect. The tank is cloudy white typical bacteria bloom.

Hopefully I can get some pic up soon.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
The pics suck but that is the best I can do from my cell phone.

I added a few more fish making my grand total 18 fish all 1" except for two they are 2"

The list: 4 Pelvicachromis taeniatus, 6 neon rosy barbs, 4 tiger barbs, 1 Jordanella floridae, 2 upside down cats, 1 lace cat.

I also got the 30 gallon sump in place today as you can see in the above pics. That was interesting lots of spilled water, then I learned Iwaki pumps are not self priming, that was a hassle as well but now everything is as it should be.


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
I know I'm late but there's a much cheaper way to get CO2. If you goole "Do it yourself co2 for your tank" or something similar you should find it. It has to do with yeast, sugar water and a soda bottle. I don't want to say how I did it because I changed it a little and got pretty lucky.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2009
Ok I noticed the pics didn't work so follow the link to my photobucket and login as a guest the password is 123456 you can also check out my reptile collection although I am down to 3 snakes rather than 30+ slowly getting out of the hobby.

Mobile Photobucket

Eric G