
Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
would a 180g be able to house certain africans with south americans and central american cichlids if you left plenty of hiding spots and would you be able to mix a wide variety? like maybe some rams, blood parrots (our LFS has yellow and red ones, would like 1 of each), and say some peacocks and maybe a demasoni


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
It's not about the tank size. They shouldn't be mixed because they come from completely different areas, mostly have differing water parameters, have different dietary needs, have different habitats, have different ways of interacting and socializing...it just isn't a good idea.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
It's not about the tank size. They shouldn't be mixed because they come from completely different areas, mostly have differing water parameters, have different dietary needs, have different habitats, have different ways of interacting and socializing...it just isn't a good idea.
ok that makes sense. ok one more question then, can you mix SA with CA? i notice that everywhere i go they are always listed under the same category/grouping. or are the water parameters going to be different also?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
If you do your research and be selective, you can mix some South Americans with some Centrals. Something like a severum - which is South - would do okay in a tank with some firemouths - which are Central.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
ok i think ive finally figured out the stocking for this. its gonna be i wouldnt say fully planted but more so medium

6 angelicus botia loaches 5"
1 rubber lip pleco 3"
1 clown pleco 3"
1 bristlenose or medusa head pleco 6"
1 blue paradise gourami 4"
1 albino rainbow shark 6"
1 redtail shark 6"
5 angels 6"
5 green tiger barbs 3"
10 zebra danios 3"
2 swordtails (variety) 4"
10 penguin tetra 3"
pair of apistos 4"

not sure how well the danios, tetras, and swordtails will go with the rest. i need some input please

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
sorry did a little editing

6 angelicus botia loaches 5"
1 rubber lip pleco 3"
1 clown pleco 3"
1 bristlenose or medusa head pleco 6"

10 oto's
1 blue paradise gourami 4"
1 albino rainbow shark 6"
5 angels 6"
5 green tiger barbs 3"
10 zebra danios 3"
2 swordtails (variety) 4"
10 penguin tetra 3"
pair of apistos 4"

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
possibly but its a big enough tank...I think 2 swordtails aren't worth it. THe danios and tetras should be fast enough and smart enough to stay away from angels. Just make sure you feed them.... haha

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
ok here is a revised list. changed a few things around and added more technical. i didnt know most of danios will school together so i added some different ones. tell me what you think

6 angelicus botia loaches 5"
1 rubber lip pleco 3"
1 clown pleco 3"
1 bristlenose or medusa head pleco 6"
1 blue paradise gourami 4"
1 albino rainbow shark 6"
1 redtail shark 6"
5 angels 6"
2 green tiger barbs 3"
2 albino tiger barbs 3"
2 tiger barbs 3"
4 zebra danios 3"
4 leopard lonfgin danio 3"
4 zebra longfin danio 3"
4 gold longfin danio 3"
10 penguin tetra 3"
pair of apistos 4"

if going 1 inch per gallon the totals would equal 160" but i know some other fish dont go like that but still leaves a little room to play with also

i figure with the multiple schools should make a beautiful effect. it will be my community tank and the 55g will be reserved for some more aggressive fish like cichlids. dont know what i will do with it but i know i will leave it planted and plant a lot more plants

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Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
If you're going to do Danios I suggest 6 or more. I've had some and they can get nippy in smaller groups. Other than that the list looks great. Are you going to post pictures?