2.5 gallon aquarium

Mar 16, 2012
I am really, really new to fish keeping. My son won a goldfish at a fair, we named him Clyde and put him in a 2.5 gallon aquarium. THEN I did some research. In the 4 months that we have had Clyde I have really become attached. Because of that, and my research, I am going to get him a 20 gallon aquarium this weekend. It is the largest I can afford. I am going to get him a tank mate, another goldfish. I have heard conflicting reports, some say they need 10 gallons per fish and some say 20 per fish. But I can't stand him being alone and I can't afford a 40 gallon tank. So, first, I want to verify that these two fish are the most a 20 gallon tank can support. And second, should I just toss the 2.5 gallon aquarium or would it be a nice home for a betta, or a small school of fish?

Thank you. :)


Superstar Fish
A gold fish will get big!! Most get between 8-10" for small/medium and others get 18"+ Two gold fish would need at least 40-ish gallons if they are the smaller type. Most gold fish at the fair for prizes are feeder gold fish and these guys get big in most cases. I have three that have survived my Oscars and are 8+ inches in about 14 months. I would hold off on any more fish as gold fish produce lots of waste and really pollute a small tank. If he is only a inch or two you could get away with the 10G for a little while. Weekly water changes would need to be done to so he can maintain good health. I would not set-up a 2.5G tank but some people really enjoy them.

Mar 16, 2012
I'm moving Clyde to a 20 gallon, not a 10. If it is too small for another goldfish, could I put in other, smaller fish?

I think I might ditch the 2.5, but am still thinking about a betta for it. All of these fish sites say different things!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
Goldfish are Goldwater. Dojo loaches and danios are good goldfish tankmates. A 20g is small but you could get a group of 5 danios. May wanna look into a pound home though, those comets can get up to a foot easily.

2.5 would be fine for. Betta, not king bettas like petco sells. And mystery snail would be an ok tankmate


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You won't need a heater for the gold fish, but for a betta in the 2.5 g tank you will need a small heater. As for goldfish growing fast, I am not disagreeing with anyone, but my feeder goldfish that I put in an outside stock tank have not grown that fast. A couple have been in there 3 years and still are only about 4 inches. It may have a lot to do with how they are fed.

Mar 16, 2012
I don't know if I'll need a heater, I only just bought a thermometer that is hovering around 82-84 degrees, which I know is typically too hot for a goldfish. Clyde doesn't seem to mind it. I assume, since they sell heaters, they sell...something that will help keep the water cooler? His 20 gallon will be in a different location, so I'll have to see what the temp range is in that corner.