2.5 gallon tank question

Nov 9, 2005
So I have this lame'o 2.5 gallon tank sitting in the corner of my room. I'm actually using it as storage for all my fish supplies (lol). Lately I've thought about setting it up to be a little betta fish home just for kicks. Well the 2.5g came with an air rock that works under the gravel and pushes bubbles up, although I've found out that it causes more harm then good. My question is, is it ok to just store a betta in a 2.5g (with gravel etc.) without the air rock? I see them at the store all the time in just a plastic container so I'm assuming its O.K.


Sep 16, 2005
yes... the betta can breathe air from the surface so he doesn't need the aeration from an airstone, although i think the ugf would be better than no filter at all.

i kept a betta in a little hex tank set up kind of like you are describing, and until the acrylic started cracking, he was pleased as punch to be in there. he even liked playing in the stream of bubbles. now he lives in a rectangular 2.5, and i'm waiting for big al's to send me his filter, so i've just been changing his water more often, like he's in a bowl, which is pretty much what you would be doing if you don't run the air pump.

Nov 30, 2005
I have a betta in a 2.5g. I first used the airstone and he hated it (too much movement. I then tried a sponge filter and then bought a Hagan Elite Mini. He never built a bubble nest (the ultimate in happy betta talk) util I removed the filter. If you are doing water changes every few days he really doesn't need a filter.
