2.5 to 5.5 upgrade (56k warning)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I know y'all are getting sick of my projects and indecisiveness. ;)

Don't worry, the big tank is still in the works. But now i'd like to keep my Pico reef as well and have it as a small coral/invert tank...much like it is now, just a little bigger. And since i have this 5.5gal laying around...why not? Adds a few more gallons and gives me a chance to play with some more DIY.

This will most likely be a Soft coral tank with a few various LPS. But for now it will house my SPS frags as well until i get the large tank. It will have everything from the 2.5gal excluding substrate. A more finer sand is going in. Have not decided on lighting yet but i have 2 CF fixtures that might be my final choice after the MH is taken down for my large tank.

To start, this is my AGA Custom DIY rimless all in one 5.5gal! By all in one i mean Fuge built into the tank. A false wall if you will. Max of 2 wires coming out of the tank. Very simple DIY setup, trying to keep it that way.

I was concerned about the durability of the rimless glass especially being so thin that i decided against using my old AC HOB filter on this tank. It'd put a stress point on the glass and i don't want that. That led to the idea, with the help of some other projects on other boards, for this all in one tank.

Glass tank water test, passed.

Making the overflow:
First took a piece of clear plexiglass and measured out my slits and marked them. I then made a stencil and placed it on my piece of acrylic. Using 2 basic clamps to hold them together.

Finished product before cleaning it up a little bit.

I suggest gloves, this plastic was HOT and melting coming off of the acrylic and plexiglass.

I have 8" of total space to work with width wise and 4" length wise on the tank. A single piece of 8" acrylic will span the width of the tank separating 2 compartments, the main tank and the fuge area. Another piece of 4" acrylic will be placed perpendicular to the 8" piece to make a T and make 2 4"x4" compartments. One for the fuge and the other for the return which will consist of a Maxi-Jet 400 drilled into the 8" piece of acrylic pushing water back into the tank.

More to come! I LOVE my Dremel tool!

Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Heh thanks. All thats planned for now is Cheato. Unless i decide to cover it you will be able to see into the Fuge. LR rubble will be there too, possibly some mushroom frags and whatnot.

TRe, the real tank is still in the works. I need to just settle on a tank and buy it (though LFS prices are INSANE) then i can whip up a stand for it and get going. I know where i can get glass for the sump now so that should be setup real soon.

See all these things are connected to each other. Gotta get the sump together so i know how much space to make under the stand, but i don't know my limits on stand until i get the tank, etc. ;)

Its coming.