2.5gal Pico

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
A few months back i had a 15gal SW tank. I had many problems with it. The main being, i didn't do enough reading on water conditions and the tank didn't start right from the get go.

After being thrown off the horse, the only thing in my mind is to get back on that sucker. So i am back in the SW world, reading again, talking to folks. I've decided to acctually setup a 2.5gal pico. I know what you are saying, smaller amounts of water are more unstable, etc. I have no doubt i can keep it, if i start out right.

I've learned some lessons with the 15gal. Do more frequent water changes, watch your pH a little more...this isn't FW, keep up with the top offs, watch the salinity. I think i'm ready again.

My plan is this:


Lighting: 9" 2x 9W Coralife Mini (OR use my old 36W ViaAqua CF fixture)
Filter: AC70 - for water movement (Might downsize this, seems really big and powerful for a 2.5gal. We'll see)
Heater: 50W Tronic submersible
Substrate: A fine grade of Aragonite
Live Rock: 3-4lbs cured
Creatures: Cleanup crew, possibly something like a sexy shrimp later on?
Coral: Eventually, some shoorms/zoos/gsp

I now have access to RO water too, so thats a step up from my old 15gal. I already have the tank, heater, and filter already. And a light if i choose to use that one. I'd get pictures and do step by step if my camera wasn't in the shop!

Anything i'm missing? Any thoughts/comments/changes y'all would make?


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
can that heater fit in that tank...

try to get a 25w or smaller.

if really want to use that heater then if u can get a long sump/refuge.

if dont know wat a refuge is then do some research.

but to put it simple its a separate tank that houses micro algae. they lower nitrate. that means less WC.

but in a 2.5g thats like wat? .5g every 2 weeks?

i would also get a refractometer because its easier to measure. especially in such a small tank.

lol if u think about it with the live sand / live rock / power head / heater / hydrometer (if your using that)

it really comes down to like 1g...

btw are u going to have any fishes in it? neon gobies are the best in a small tank. so i heard.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Thanks for the comments.

Luckily i wasn't a total noob and i had a Hydrometer with my old tank. So i do have that.

As for the heter, it will be a squeeze in the tank with the rock, so i may have to look into a smaller one. However if i decide to use this HOB filter, it will fit into the box of it.

Coolwaters, i havn't really planned on any fish at this point. But if i was, i would probably go with the neon blue goby.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
After looking at my heater, and heaters online...every 25W heater is the same size, or larger then my 50W. So for now i will stick with the one i have.

On a side note, my filter AC 70, is rated for 75gal+ tanks with 300gph flow. Seems a bit overkill for a 2.5 doesn't it? I'll probably step down to the smallest size, AC20 (20gal, 100gph). Though with a larger size it will give me more box room to house the heater and possibly a ghetto rigged fuge later on? I'm still up in the air about this, i'll just have to test the flow and see how strong it is, i don't want it overpowering.

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Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I believe you can get a smaller impeller for those that will reduce the flow somewhat. That was something I looked into when I was using one for my 10gal.
I would see if you could go that route....as the added space in the 70 makes a good Fuge.

Edit: As a matter of fact....I just found the thread for you. It shows that they used a AC20 impeller in the AC70. And has good instructions on ghetto rigging a fuge. :D Reef Central Online Community - How to DIY an AC 70 fuge

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I enjoy the phrase "ghetto rigging." Just thought I'd share that with you :)

I tend to think that a more sedentary goby like a clown would be better in a tiny tank than a neon goby, neons move around in the water column quite a bit.

Sounds like it should work if the heater fits somehow. You might actually think about just using a 5g and the 36W fixture, 7WPG is still enough for the corals you want I would think, and then you've got more room for everything with minimal or no extra costs.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sounds like it should work if the heater fits somehow. You might actually think about just using a 5g and the 36W fixture, 7WPG is still enough for the corals you want I would think, and then you've got more room for everything with minimal or no extra costs.
Yes but then i would want to take my 96W fixture i have sitting here without a use and step up to a 20ish gal...then a 50gal...then a 100gal. ;) haha

For now i'm probably just going to stay with the 2.5gal. I just think tanks this small are amazing being able to hold as much life as they do. Not to mention it fits perfectly anywhere i want to place it.

Thanks a bunch Limi...that helps me tons. Thats exactly what i'm going to do.

CoolWaters said:
if really want to use that heater then if u can get a long sump/refuge.
a sump on a 2.5?

if dont know wat a refuge is then do some research.

but to put it simple its a separate tank that houses micro algae. they lower nitrate. that means less WC.
why tell him to do research, and then explain to him what a fuge is? also, its macro algae you want...

lol if u think about it with the live sand / live rock / power head / heater / hydrometer (if your using that) it really comes down to like 1g...
he'll be using the HOB for flow, so no powerhead. you also dont really need to leave the hydrometer in the tank;)

btw are u going to have any fishes in it? neon gobies are the best in a small tank. so i heard.
they swim around to much. they dont really perch.

matt, i get this tank will be looking good pretty soon. cant wait till you get it going. did you find out wether or not your brother will sell you his 2.5 gallon?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
YahooFishKeeper said:
matt, i get this tank will be looking good pretty soon. cant wait till you get it going. did you find out wether or not your brother will sell you his 2.5 gallon?
Thanks, he acctually gave it to me...which surprised me. But i'm not complaining! :)

I tested the flow just now. If i turn the intake tube to minimum flow, and maybe go 1-2 steps down with impeller i should be golden. That way i will be able to have a large box so if/when i setup a fuge it will be good. And i can fit the heater inside the current box.

And unless i can rig up something to hold my old ViaAqua 36W above the tank, then i'm definently going with the 18w coralife.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Nice matt, i knew you couldnt resist SW. As for a fish red headed and green banded gobies are both cool and hardy, you could also do a trio of sexy shrimp if you can find them. The hob filter can hold the heater and some chaeto to help with water quality. The 18 watt coral life is a good light and would work for your tank. Remember there is never such a thing as too much flow.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
YahooFishKeeper said:
i was going to say something like that ram... matt, i think your okay on flow without a smaller impeller. if your really worried, i guess you could, but its your decision after all:p
Only thing i'm worried about with the flow is that since i'm getting a fine grade sand, it will blow it. It wouldn't hurt to have the smaller impeller on hand just incase! Gonna order one just to have it...incase. :)

I think i've come up with a way to get my light above the tank using egg crate and PVC pipe....some simple, cheap DIY.

Cichlid-Man said:
And unless i can rig up something to hold my old ViaAqua 36W above the tank, then i'm definently going with the 18w coralife.
Hey Matt,,, I bought that Coralife Mini light, Works Great BUT it runs REALLY REALLY HOT!!!! I had it on my 5.5 G Nano and the water was too warm. I would imagine in your 2.5 g , the water would be like soup. Just thought that I would share that with you.:)

I would love to see your PVC Light stand too, when ya get around to making it.