2 breeding bettas

Apr 17, 2008
i have a orange male betta and a pink and Light blue female betta , i set up their breeding tank and before i bought the female i noticed she was full of eggs so now the 2 are together ***Not fighing*** and the male's been nice to her but still dosent build a bubble nest i have a syroform cup and the waters warm and i feed them a nice mix of foods and freeze dried blood worms and suggustions to help them breed?:confused:

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
thats good. they're on the way to parenthood. they might not get it right first time but they will next time. i hope for you they do it right first time. i almost got mine spawning. they made the nest and everything but my mum turned the lights off and told me to stop wasting electricity. ah well. next time when i move out lolz. any updates of your signature? are they in the 10gal? good luck. make sure that you research on how to breed bettas. there was a thread on here about it ages ago. i'll see if i can find it.

Apr 17, 2008
yea i reseached ALOT before i breed anything so now the male is makeing a bbl nest but goes very slow or if not at all and he just wants to flare the female and go crazy lol but the female BARELY MOVES and she usally just goes up for air but she just lays on the bottom and waits is she sick?

Ps i got some snails out of my main tank and then crushed them and removed the shell and fed them to my male and he chopped them up :) do you think that helped? i didnt have any thing live then

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Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
i have a orange male betta and a pink and Light blue female betta , i set up their breeding tank and before i bought the female i noticed she was full of eggs so now the 2 are together ***Not fighing*** and the male's been nice to her but still dosent build a bubble nest i have a syroform cup and the waters warm and i feed them a nice mix of foods and freeze dried blood worms and suggustions to help them breed?:confused:
is the bubble nest in a Styrofoam cup? where are they kept? a styrofoam cup from what I understand, right?

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
laying on the ground. hmm. mine never did that when they were spawning. the female just pointed her nose down and got vertical lines in her body colour. the male either swam round her container flaring and swam to the nest or sat by the nest waiting....

Apr 17, 2008
yea when i let my male with the female he circles her and flares when there apart the male just some times gets bored i guess but the female shows little or no interest or is she sick she barely moves *mostly for air* but occasionally she would move but yea the male builds his bubble nest a bit then just stops i order some brine shimp eggs 20grams so hopefully that would help the female dosent really eat according as to what i see any tips on helping the male build his nest?


Medium Fish
May 5, 2008
I used to breed bettas, so I will chime in.

#1)... I woke up one day to eggs floating at the top of the breeding tank I had, no bubble nest.. but the surface tension was enough to keep the eggs boyant. The male replaced the eggs if they fell, raised several full grown bettas from that hatching. There wasn't much surface movement, so the eggs were just fine.

#2) The female will point head down/up and go "dead in the water" looking for a few minutes during the mating process. She may develop some vis sable stripes on her sides too. (neat to watch)

#3) I always used Atison's betta PRO for conditioning my pairs about 2 - 3 weeks prior to breeding, and after to help healing. I use nothing else, and they helped females develop eggs faster, mature faster, and also conditions the male to top breeding form, and builds them both up for the process that can hurt them physically.

#4) Adding Betta Spa (almond leaf extract) or something that releases "tannins" in the water helps promote breeding and holds bubblenests together. Attison's also makes this in a easily dispensable dose product. OH.. NO.. I am NOT a Rep for them either! I just like their stuff, and it has proven excellent over the counter use for bettas. :)

#5) I use a small piece of "lab tube" Styrofoam (small 2" cut square that has small holes in it), or you can use the styro cup like you are. It all keeps the eggs warm and moist and helps the bubble nest stay together, protects it from air and movement.

#6) To feed the fry, I always used a microworm culture. Brine shimp eggs had shells that fry can choke on and "croak", so I saved feeding them a hatching of BS until they were about 10 days old. When I switched to the microworms for the newly hatched fry, no problems, and they just loved them like kids to candy.

#7) Be prepared to move your female to another container, or isolate her to heal after it is all said and done. She'll need to rest and recover. I lost about 40% of my females after breeding. It can be a tough go on her, and infections are common after scales have been ripped off, etc, due to rough breeding process. You may have to treat her to prevent opportunistic infections if the female shows signs of physical damage.

This is just my experience. I wish you the best on your endeavors. It is a wonderful process.

Apr 17, 2008
well... to me the female looks *not interested* or like she barely moves and is showing now readyness ecept she has eggs i can see her belly and in front of her dorsal fin she has a like white pouch soon i might just buy another female well last night the male made like a in or alittle smaller i was so happy until he stoped and dident do it again :(

Apr 17, 2008
well yester day i bought a new betta half black then half blue nice an active lol i walked into the room were she was and she got scared and jumped out of the water i picked her up and put her back in and remeber the lid this time.

Apr 17, 2008
Yea today i just bought another male (crowntail) very nice multi-colored betta :) hope he's easier to breed since hes like all most the same size of the female oh ya and my brine shrimp eggs came today in the mail and there in there hacthing container now :)

Mar 29, 2008
Crowntails are more aggressive when breeding then other tail types. My first spawn was a sucess with a crowntail and veiltail. I lost the fry due to inexperience. I would condition the two for two weeks before I start breeding.