2 gouramis

I now have my two gouramis in my 10 gallon do you guys think that is overcrowded they seem less active in there but I also moved thw whole tank to the bedroom that has alot less light? MY twenty gallon is currently empty and I might do a plant only tank? Do people do this? Also my 70 gallon has 1 medim sized 5 inch tiger oscar and a severum and a convict and a chinese algae eater and a pocosto....whatever and one really old ramshorn snail everyting seems awsome in there with lots of rocks and caves...but is this overcrowded


Medium Fish
Jun 18, 2006
10 gallons is kind of small for 2 Gouramis. However, it would help to know what kind they are. depending on the species they grow to different sizes and have different needs in terms of tank size. Also, we would need to know the sex of the fish. A male and female would do better than 2 males.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
The general rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon. Keep in mind that it's just a guide and that the bigger the fish, the more waste, ie: five 1" inch fish creates less waste than one 5" fish)

Plant only aquariums are nice. I had one that had some completely aquatic plants and some marsh/pond plants that grew out the top and I'm been thinking about starting it up again. (lost everything to a plumbing incident!) You could even throw in some snails and a frog or two to make it like a pond.

i think they a territorialy OK because they have always been together but now they are alot less active, but that tank also does NOT have a heater and I think the water temperature would be about 65-75. They are hiding now and normally when they were in the 70 gallon they were pretty active top dwellers but now they are just chillin on the bottom and still eating. The 70 gallon they came from was pretty warm almost 82 because the cichlids seem to like the warmer temp.

Thanks for any suggestions or comments


Medium Fish
Jun 18, 2006
They might be in shock from the move. It will take a few weeks for them to settle down and create territories. Besides the fact that these Gouramis get pretty big, please look at the species profile. They were suited for living in the larger tank. the 10 gallon is just too samll for long term.