2 HOB's or 1 Cannister?

Apr 30, 2004
ON, Canada
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In need of some filter advice. For a newbie fishkeeper and for a 75 gallon freshwater setup. Budget permits me to either get 2 AC500's or a single cannister such as an XP3, Fluval 404, or Magnum 350. What would be your recommendation?

Also keep in mind that at some point i'd like to try planting this tank moderately.

Thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
It depends on what you want to keep. For a heavier bioload, a cannister is definitely a plus. If you are keeping smaller fish, like tetras, then a cannister is not so much an asset, particularly in a planted tank (plants serve as filters also).

Nonetheless, providing your cash flow allows, I would go for a cannister and a powerhead for additional water circulation. If you use a Hagen powerhead, the quick-filter attachments serve as wonderful mechanical filters. I use an AC 500, Hagen 802 powerhead, and a Marineland HOT (for CO2 dispersion) on my 75g. It's heavily planted, and I have no problems.