2 Lamprologus tretocephalus FIGHTING!!!

Jun 21, 2003
Oklahoma City, OK"
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I have a 10 gal. tank with a Penguin 125 filter on it with a submersible heater in it. I recently purchased a 2 Lamprologus tretocephalus for the tank and have had them about 2 days. One of the fish is constantly harassing the other and biting is fins. The one being bitten is almost always in the top corner of the tank. I got a breeding net and have one presently placed in the breeding net. Does anyone have any idea as to what I should do? They are quite young and am not sure that my lfs will let me trade it in for anything else.




Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
my thought is that they are both male...if this is the case, the problem will only go away when one is dead...sorry :(

incidentally that is way to small a tank (in my opinion) for a fish that will grow to that size even if you were keeping a m/f pair...try looking for some of the small L. Tanganyika cichlids and keeping only one male at a time if you want to leave them in a 10gal...to keep two males of that size together I would get at least a 20gal long tank and you will need females

i suggest this for reading material: http://cichlid-forum.com/articles/cookie_cutter_10g.php


Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR

the thing with trets is they are a) an awesome fish (my favorite african) and b) vicious. You can't keep more than 1 male in a tank, or the weaker one(s) will be eliminated (killed.) One male will usually do alright with other fish, but once you throw a female in there, they form an evil supervillain team and eliminate (kill) every other fish in the tank.

the other thing with trets is they get about 6" full grown. A 10 gallon isn't sufficient. I would say 55 gallons bare minimum, but would really recommend the larger front to back dimensions of a 75 gallon (i am waiting to get my tret for this very reason, even though I had a 55 gallon available)

another thing is that they require a hard water with a high pH (above 8).

I would recommend taking them back, or if you're stuck on trets (can't blame you ;) ) , take the weak one back and get a big tank for the strong one.

If the LFS told you 10 gallons would be ok for 2 very aggressive african cichlids that grow to 6", I would seriously not give them any more of my business, they're dorks.

If you want a good african cichlid to keep in a 10 gallon, try shelldwellers or julidochromis, but even still, get your info before you go to the LFS, lest you be persuaded by them to host a colony of frontosa in your 10 gallon.
