2 New Fish.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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they are attached properly.
It seems that you have to visit the website, you can click the link in my sig.

Anyway, the cichlid is a Ice Blue Zebra psuedotropheus greshaki

He is fine, but my male lab beat the hell out of the red zebra. I pulled him out and stuck him in my 16 community... Once he gets a little better, Im sure he will try to eat the neons.. I have a 1.5 and an old 10 gallon I might have to set one up to put him in one of those for a few weeks. I dont know if he would heal and grow well in the 1.5 hospital tank.

Half his tail is gone... Im sure they would have finished him off tonight.
And to think I thought he was the one that would be trouble.