2 quick inquiries for the many geniouses of the forum :)

Dec 1, 2007
Hey Peoples !

1. I want to buy an RO/DI unit for my 120 gallon (not yet set up) saltwater aquarium. I want the unit to be very good but I don't want to go crazy. "I don't have a money tree out back." ha ha. The thing I'm trying to figure out right now is what I need to look for in a RO/DI system ....just 5 stage? or anything else? I heard that the $70 unit at PetsMart is worthless. shrugs shoulders. I'm willing to spend up to $250-300 but definatly don't want to if it's not necessary. I see the units at all different prices. Also, a while back someone told me they use their unit for drinking water and I always saw this as a plus especially considering I spend around $70-80 a month in Walmart bottled water !!!

2. I'm not even sure I will need a UV sterilizer but I saw what appeared to be a great deal and am wondering if you would mind checking it out for me. I would really appreciate it.
It's #5 on the list:
Louisiana Reef Club :: View topic - Equipment for sale WITH PICS
Also, he said "Here is a link to info on the model that I have. They will kill anything that is in the water.

Aqua UV 40 Watt 2 inch UV Sterilizer (Saltwater Aquarium Supplies > UV Sterilizers > Units > 36-40 Watts ) "
Please give me your thoughts on this deal.

Quick info: I try my best not to overfeed. LOL

Dec 1, 2007
One more thing: How big of a quarantine tank would you do? .....especially since later on I want a Powder Blue Tang. I know these are extremely difficult but they're my favorite so I have to at least try it. (unless it could get ich and kill all my fish) Is this possible- it killing the fish? I hate the idea of a tank going constantly (using my power and water and paying for the equipment) just for it to sit there most of the time with no fish in it. That kills me but if it's necessary I will do it. I would be constantly fighting off the urge to put fish in it. LOL


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
go to http://www.purewaterclub.com/ thats where i got mine from.... if you click on drinking/reef water systems and go to the second one down they have a 6 stage unit for $115 that has 2 outputs (one for drinking/one for the aquarium) .... as for quarentine a 20g should work fine and you dont need to have it running all the time just have a HOB filter on your other tank (for the media) and switch it to the quarentine when u get a new fish (for the bacteria)


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I got my RO unit from The Filter Guys We got an Ocean Miser, with the drinking water tank/adapter. I've been really happy with it. Yes, you can use RO for drinking water, it's the same as most of the stuff from grocery stores. Don't use it after DI, as it will have an odd taste to it.

On the UV, I'm not sure what size tank you have, but I'd say don't get that one. It already needs fixing, and if you're going to run it on a smaller tank, you could get a new unit for less. A lot of people find UVs useless most of the time.

A 20g quarantine should be good, unless you plan to get the tang when it's larger (5" or more). You only need to set up a quarantine tank when you're adding fish. Otherwise, have some bio-media or sponge filter in your sump that you can use to set up the quarantine when you need it. The tank can be broken down and put away when you're not using it.

Dec 1, 2007
you dont need to have it running all the time just have a HOB filter on your other tank (for the media) and switch it to the quarentine when u get a new fish (for the bacteria)
So you would have a qt tank that would sit empty and then when you decided to get new fish just put gravel and water and the HOB filter and start cycling the tank with the fish IN it? Is that what you're saying? I also wanted the qt tank for if any fish get sick. Would this be too stressful of a thing for a sick fish to go through? Maybe I'm not understanding you. Thanks for the great info!!!
I don't need 50-100 gallons a day or a permenant unit. I live in an apartment.
you can get a unit that makes clean water just about as fast as you can use it with no waste water and do it at normal house water pressures.
This is what I want. I really appreciate all your advice and help but I'm wanting to know what I need to look for in a ro/di system....whether it be 5 stage, 7 stage, or best filter prices, easiest filters to find and replace...etc. Does anyone know this info? I would like to know what to look for so I can google a bunch of them and figure out which one is best for me. Someone told me
As long as you get a unit that has standard sized filters (prefilters the carbon, sediment ect) you can replace those parts locally.
How do I figure this out and are they talking about buying the parts at a lfs? If so, I think I would rather buy it online since everything seems to be extremely cheaper.
One more thing: How big of a quarantine tank would you do? .....especially since later on I want a Powder Blue Tang. I know these are extremely difficult but they're my favorite so I have to at least try it. (unless it could get ich and kill all my fish) Is this possible- it killing the fish? I hate the idea of a tank going constantly (using my power and water and paying for the equipment) just for it to sit there most of the time with no fish in it. That kills me but if it's necessary I will do it. I would be constantly fighting off the urge to put fish in it. LOL
Someone said:
you can't medicate a reef tank should 1 or more of your fishes contract Ich or some other parasite
So what happens if you get a ick outbreak in a reef tank? .....especially if you only have one qt tank and a bunch of fish?
Thanks for the info! :)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yes it would remain emtpy until a new addition/sick fish ..... i said to keep the media in your other tank so all the bacteria will mean no cycle... and no gravel in the quarentine just water, HOB filter, and a piece of pvc for the fish to hide in ;) i already recommended a cheap effective r/o unit that doubles as both drinking and fish tank water... if u wanna go bigger than 20g thats fine too