2 seperate pairs spawn at same time!!!

Oct 17, 2003
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Wow!!!!!!! I set up for one spawn and all of a sudden both pars go at it holy cow!!!!!!! I was at work andf rushed home to get to see a few last spawns.!! everything is set up, even food for the fry.. I got a movie of one pair in the act it's so cool! My bbs(two of them) are going strong! I was wondering if there is anything I should add to the water to make sure no fungus kills the eggs... also when should I take the female out???? both seem to be fine but when I go to net them (they've stopped spawning) one of the still shoots out eggs!?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
I think I double posted lol. I think you are supposed to remove the female straight after she has released her eggs. I heard the male would kill her if you dont. It is betta's were talking here right ? lol :D and congrats.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Yes, you should take the female out once she has no more eggs to lay. She would eat the eggs, and the male would protect the eggs from being eaten, and thus may kill the female as bobrob says. The father will take care of the fry during this time. Keep your water temp at ~ 78-80 F, and leave the lights on even at night. Eggs will hatch after ~ 2 days, and fry would become free swimming ~ 2 days after they hatch. At this time, you may take away the male.

Oct 17, 2003
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I have since taken out both females. I used almond leaves and can I say holy cow! the entire leaf in each tank is covered in bubbles and eggs! the males are doing great! They are so deicated! Both females are jarred with betta max, and some salt they seem to be doing great! not alot of damage besides a little finnage missing , very minimal! Each tank has probally a good 200+ eggs! wow! :) funny thing is my wife hates fish, but she's really excited about it too :)