2 Test Kits,2 lots of results both DIFFERENT

Dec 17, 2007
Hello All!!
I have a slight problem.
I've been 'fishless' cycling a new tank for just over 3 weeks.
I've been testing it daily using a Nutrafin Master test kit and going by them results.
I snapped up a bargain buy API master test kit today,(It was in the January sales at the pet store and I just couldn't resist,the more test kits the merrier I thought)
ANYWAY. Tonight I tested out the 'new' API test kit,(Ammonia,PH,Nitrite,Nitrate) then I retested using the Nutrafin tests.

But the results were different.
API test results: PH-7.8 Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-5.0
Nutrafin results: PH- 7.5 Ammonia-0 Nitrite-between 0.8 &1.6 Nitrate-110

Now I dont know which results to believe.
(Yes the tests were done VERY accurately,NO they are not out of date,and each test was done in a totally seperate test tube,and had hubby's unbiased second opinion on the chart results)

Which test do you think I should stick with using?


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
I use the API tests, and they work really good. Soooo, I would go with that. But, another thing is, what have you used to cycle your tank with? You gotta tell us, that way me and others can tell you whats going on with the tank.

Last edited:
Dec 17, 2007
Hello All! thanks for your replies.

In answer to some of your questions.

BOTH test kits are dropper test kits (Have never used the strip ones)
I've been following 'Iggys' and MissFishy's recipe for cycling,and have only used Household Ammonia,(With no additives) to cycle the tank.(5ml of Household ammonia brought the tank to 5ppm,Nitrites were at their highest about 7 days after starting,Nitrates were at the highest end of the chart 10 days after starting,since then the nitrites went down a little but have been at a standstill since,I done a 20% water change a couple of days ago,ammonia is still gone after 24hrs,but ALL this testing was done using the Hagen Nutrafin test kit)

As for the third test kit,*BOUNCINGS knowing my luck the 'best out of 3' scenario would just give me 3 lots of different results,so i'll leave that for now.

To be honest,I think after seeing the zero nitrite reading with the API test i'd rather go with that,but I dont want to get all excited to think the tank is now cycled when really the water is still too toxic to add fish.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would take a sample of your water into your LFS and have them test it for you to confirm results. Another thing to think about it where the water sample came from, ammonia is in higher concentrations towards the bottom of the tank, so make sure when you are taking a sample to have your filter going full throttle to "mix" up the water if you will. I would take a sample of your water, test it at home with both kits, write down the numbers, then immediately take a sample to your LFS to see what they come up with.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I'd do your 100% water change for the end of the cycle and test to make sure your kits say there is none or very low nitrate. If there is still nitrate then I'd do it again...just be sure not to rinse away anything off of your filter media. Then put a dose of ammonia in, let it sit for 24 hours and run your tests again. Then let us know what it says. IF it is cycled, the tests will agree that you have no ammonia, no nitrites and some level of nitrates. Then you can just continue adding your ammonia every day until you're ready to stock.

If you still have ammonia or the nitrite gets stuck after a change then you're going to need to just be patient and keep adding that ammonia.

Like we were talking about in your other thread, sometimes a fishless cycling tank will get "stuck" because of the high levels of nitrates and some test kits get false positives on the nitrites because the nitrates are so high.

You aren't going to hurt anything at this step by changing water assuming that you keep the bacteria in your filter media safe.

Dec 17, 2007
Hello FroggyFox,thanks for checking up on me.
Been testing for the past couple of days just using the API test kit,still been adding the 5ml of ammonia,after 24 hrs all ammonia is gone,(Been sticking my hand as far down the tank as possible to get water nearest the bottom,test reading still 0) Nitrite is also still at 0,Nitrate is 5.
(Thought the nitrate results would be a bit more at this stage in the cycle)

Anyway,am going to do the 100% water change,and see what happens.(Seeings its the weekend it would be the best time for me to do it,so I dont want to wait any longer)

Will let you know how I get on.
Thanks again to you all,*SUNSMILE*