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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Always a joke made by friends and family of ours is that we should start charging people to come in to our apt to see our zoo! Its not really as bad as everyone makes out. Theres plenty of room for more tanks! hehe:rolleyes:
I have been in the hobby *serious* for over a year now. Like so many others, I dabled in it while I was younger, but I wanted the BIGEST, or BRIGHTEST at the LFS that day. I wont say I know a lot, but I love learning about all the different aspects of fish keeping. Curently I only have fresh and brackish tanks, but have thought about marine.( its what is in my pocket, or rather, lack there of, that keeps me thinking of it, and not doing!!)

We have several comunity tanks with various fish, a goldfish tank, Oscar tank, fiddler crabs, a Red Eared Slider turtle, Anole lizards, snails out the wazoo, betta's, and to top it all of, perhaps the oddest of the bunch, a 6 month old cat. ( my wifes, NOT my idea) All in all we have a full house.

I just cant figure out why my wife looks at me funny when I mention anything about getting a new tank?

I must say that this is the most active messageboard that I have run accross in a long while. I know that I will get plenty of knowledge from all those out there. And who knows, I might actualy be able to contribute a little back eventualy!!



Large Fish
Dec 30, 2002
Visit site
glad to hear my family is not the only one that is considered a zoo, we live on an acre of land, we have 4 dogs, 2 cats, 1 goat, 1 lamp, a cichlid tank with 11 in it, a guppie tank with 8, a goldfish tank with 3, a turtle tank with 2 turtles, another with 1 red eared slidder, and 3 different betta tanks !, we had 2 anole lizards until last month,,, then there is the 6 of us,, needless to say, our food bill is higher than the house payment !


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Wow! That really dosent make me feel like Im over doing it anymore!! LOL, I guess I should let my wife read your post...that way she wont think that its odd to have that many animals and she might let me get more!!!