20 g long larger fish recommendation?

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Hey myfishtank,

I just moved for grad school and am thinking about setting up a 20G. I wanted to get some opinions about gear and stocking options. For filtration, I think I will stick to HOB, but I want really strong lights to grow my plants. I'll take any input. Thanks guys :)

Edit: i guess no angels or discus

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Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
ZooMed makes a great 30" T5 HO light for about $130 out the door (fixture and bulbs). I have it on my 29gal and love it. The stock light on most 20gLs kinda sucks.

As far as stocking, I wouldn't go with congo tetras 'cuz they get too big (about 3"). I would maybe do a pair of German blue or Bolivian rams with a school of black neon tetras or other smaller tetras (maybe some Von Rios?) and a school of small cories (like albinos, pandas or peppereds) as a cleanup crew.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
No prob, laura. ;) Only reason I know about the congos is 'cuz I want a school of them when I make my 46gal bowfront into an angelfish tank (pair of angels with a plethora of other fish...already have it all planned out, but it'll be after I move).