20 gal long

I've got the tank set-up with a Penguin 170, 23" bubble wand under the gravel, half of the water is from a transplanted 10 gal so the bio-filter is pretty-well established. Within are housed a 2.5" red-tailed shark (to be moved to a 75 next year), 3 1" albino cories, 3 2" green cories, 5 1" serpae tetras and 3 dwarf frogs. Seeing as how I have greater surface area (comparable to my 30 gal), can I get away with stocking a few more, and if so how many?:D

Last edited:
Oct 22, 2002
Normally I would say of course, but here I'm hesitant because of the frogs. Frogs produce tons more waste than fish. So I would say you can add a few more fish but not as many as you may have thought before.


Large Fish
Dec 14, 2002
Portland, OR
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Putting old water in the tank doesn't mean that the tank is cycled. The bacteria grow on the surface of solid materials, and only become free floating when there is a lack of their food supply.

If you want to "plant" bacteria in your tank, you need to use gravel or other decorations from an established tank.