20 Gallon Fish Tank Suggestions


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! I was thinking of getting a 20 gallon tank and put it in my room.
I would like a grouping with either dwarf puffers, bettas, and/or rummy-nosed tetras.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Dwarf puffers are not good community fish, so unless you want only dwarf puffers i wouldn't do down that route.

A betta and a nice shoal of maybe 10 rummy nose tetras would work well. On top of this you could get a few bottom feeders such as cory cats, and get a pair of dwarf cichlids such as bolivian rams to give the lower/middle areas interest.

It depends what you want from your tank - apart from those you've listed, are there any other fish that have stuck out to you? Do you want a community with a few different types off fish, or a species tank?

20 gallons are nice sized tanks and you can establish a good community in one.


Small Fish
Sep 18, 2009
Hey mate!
sounds pretty cool! for my first set up i had something like that! but you get really carried away really quick! so select what you want and run with it!
i had 7 neon tetras 1 BlueRam some corey cats of different colours and a dawf gurami was a good mix! i also did alot of planting and growing my plants on driftwood! the fish seemed to love it! lots of places to hide and school around!
rummies and a betta would look really nice with some plants! but as kingy said have a look at the corey cats as well! there cool looking little cleaners!