20 Gallon Re-Do

Dec 19, 2008
I have a 20 Gallon tank set up right now and i plan on making it a planted tank. right now there is 25 pounds of blue gravel, 100w biowhell penguin, 100w heater, air pump connected to bubble making decor, and a hood with 20w bulb. I plan on removing the gravel, decor, and hood. I want to replace it with:

20 lbs eco-complete substrate
15.4 lbs black seachem flourite
double strip light with 2 20w bulbs
i also plan on making a DIY CO2 Diffuser

Tell me if i need anything else.

I plan on keeping these plants and fish:

3 Anubias Bartari
6 Anubias Nana
6 Red Cryptocoryne
4 Micro Sword
4 Wisteria
3 Java Fern
2 Green Myrio
3 Sword
4 Onion Plant

3 praecox rainbows or 3 small angels
6-10 neon tetras
2 albino aeneus cory cats
2 blue dwarf gouramis

All info/help is appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Sounds like a good plan to me, although I'd keep the praecox rainbows instead of the angels, just because if two of the angels pair up the other would be singled out and bullied, and also because they become so big, you could possibly lose a few neons to them. I'd also make sure to get a male and female dwarf gourami, because they're quite unpredictable when they're two males together - they can either get on or fight til their hearts content, their's no telling which before you put them in!

I'd keep the anubias to the front of the tank because a couple of plants you have there, namely the myrio, are very vigorous growers and will quickly shade the other plants. I reckon you'd have to be quite vigilant with pruning the myrio because of this, and also the sword could become a bit of a tank buster in a 20 depending on which variety you buy.

But, as I said, this sounds like a nice plan to me :). Nice mix of fish, good lot of plants, I'd love to see the end result! Good luck with it!

Dec 19, 2008
yea i was deciding on the angels or the rainbows, but i have researched both and decided on the rainbows. thanks for the info on the plants. what do u mean on "sword could become a bit of a tank buster in a 20 depending on which variety you buy". i was planning on buying amazon swords, so could u please explain what u meant. thanks


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
There is a recent post by another member that has an amazon sword that has outgrown his tank and spreading thru the room it's in. As for the DG's definately get a m/f with 2 males you will more than likely end up with only one after a few weeks, the females are hard to find in most petstores due to drab coloration.

Dec 19, 2008
ok i have been thinking about my tank and i have finally decided exactly what i wanted:

20 lbs eco-complete substrate
15.4 lbs black seachem flourite
30" 48watt Nova Extreme SLR T-5 Fixture (if anyone knows anything about this please inform me)

I am going to do an open-top tank with the lights hanging or mounted above the tank. Also i am questioning the CO2 diffusor, do i need one for these plants:

3 Anubias Bartari
6 Anubias Nana
6 Red Cryptocoryne
4 Micro Sword
4 Wisteria
3 Java Fern
2 Green Myrio
6 lucky bamboo
4 Onion Plant

I plan on adding liquid fertilizer and root tabs for the plants, will that be enough or do i need the CO2.


3 bosemani rainbows
6-10 neon tetras
2 albino aeneus cory cats
2 blue dwarf gouramis

i plan on redoing my tank soon so all comments and help appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
No need for root tabs, the eco and flourite will provide plenty of nutrients for root feeders. I would definitely recommend CO2 because of your lighting, especially if you plan on addition liquid ferts.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
If he does an open top tank, as long as the lucky bamboo is tall enough and the leaves are out of surface it should grow... I have one plant in a vodka bottle at the moment, with water, no vodka... that would be a waste. I think you may need C02 for some of those plants, like the micro sword

Dec 19, 2008
thanks for the info. i am doing an open top and all the bamboo that i have is at least 4 inches over the height of the tank, so i should be good there. i also ordered a diffusor, bubble counter, and check valve for my DIY CO2 system. so all i need is a bottle, tubing, and some other small things.