20 gallon saltwater with domino damsels

Apr 2, 2008
I was wondering i have 2 domino damsels in my tank,have had it running for about 2 months,are they any fish i could put in their with them,because i know they are aggressive little boogers. I dont have any coral,going to make it a fish only tank for now,until i get the money later for the light. I was thinking about maybe purchasing a golden head sleepy goby,i think they are awesome little fish,would it be ok to put one of those in their with the damsels. If any one knows i would really appreciate it. thanks


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
just about anything u could add to that small of tank will no doubt get harrased....IMO get rid of the damsels and start the stocking list over ... btw i just got a yellow headed sleeper goby and not only do they make a mess (sand sifter) but they also need space to actually do there job and a 20g isnt big enough...if your looking for a sand sifter go with a yellow watchman goby and u could even get him a pistol shrimp to pair up with.....but again get rid of the damsels and replace them with a pair of clowns or something ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yellow headed gobies get to over 6 inches and are too big for a 20g....as Tre stated, you are very limited in adding anything to a tank with Damsels in it already. I would return them and go with some nice small nano fish even a small pygmy angel would be okay in a 20g.