200 to 20


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2005
Well good news my nitrates went from around 200ppm to 20ppm since i have added that sump/refugium.

Its been three days since i have completed my conversion to a sump/ref, and swapped out my crushed coral for sand. My ntrates are at 20ppm, i have kept the 10000k t5 and flourescent light on over the ref 24/7 well actually it was off for 12hrs. in the last three days. But anyway im trying to make sure my chaeto and caulerpa make it, i ordered it from garf thinking i could throw it in the refugium that night well i took me two more nights to get it all finished, so the algae pack was haggared by the time it got to the refugium thats why im leaving the lights on for so long.Will these plants root, or just grow floating in the water?

Can i expect my nitrates to keep on the downward once the algaesstart growing good or may they go up again(obviously they could if i don't maintain)...What else can i do to get those a little lower just water changes....weekly?

Also it seems like i still am going to have to magnet off that bright green algae on the glass daily. Is that something im just going to haveto accept with those MH bulbs or will that bright green stuff dissappear or transfer to the ref when it gets a little more established?

Thanks guys, i get more of a kick out of this website daily...thanks for the laughs and knowledge as yamahaguy would say..LOL!!!


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
caulerpa roots, chaeto i believe is mostly a floating algae but i suppose it must have some way to attach itself...they should continue to lower your nitrates until they are virtually undetectable i think. water changes will obviously help too. i think that green algae stuff will probably stop showing up so quickly once your refugium really gets going...but i could be wrong about that


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oh yeah 200 is possible. You sound like you're on the right path to me. Expect a few algae blooms over the next year or so, it is almost inevitable.