20G stocking ideas, updates, etc


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
My first thread in a while!
Anyways, the guppies are doin' good. Lotsa fry. Bid of beard algae going on in their tank, but overall pretty happy.
my paludarium has been giving me a lot of crap lately. I cleaned the whole thing out, cycled it again and the !@#$ bga is still there! OMG. Hopefully I'll get it under control :( The juvvies are doing really well, but they aren't eating out of my hand like mama+papa are. They loves their bloodworms! They watch me eat my breakfast in hopes of bloodworms. Creeps the heck outta my mom haha! ("why do you have to have weird pets?!")
Now, onto my 20gallon, the reason for this thread. Overall it is in good health, well established but there's lots of tannins and alittle greenwater, but its absolutely fine by me. It needs more plants but those will come once the paludarium fills in a bit.
So, recently I've lost most of my stocking. The platies dissapeared into thin air as they usually do, and the cories died of unknown causes as they often do a few months after I buy them from a certain store. Hrmph. And Sparx, my little brother's betta recently died at the ripe old age of 2 :'( (he decided he'd rather try sparx in my "big tank") So that leaves me with the *huge* bioload of.............. *dundundaaa*
3 neons
4 harlequin rasboras
1 clown pleco

Sugestions? I was thinking around the lines of gouramis(sparkling? Gold?), loaches , maybe kribensis or another cichlid (coughcough rams coughcough keyholes) or if I could find them maybe badis badis / dario dario... somebody I know has a pair of kribs about to spawn. I can probably get a pair off him, But I'd like someting a little out-of-the ordinary. I really like livbearers, but I think I'll keep them in just my 10gal for now... so none of them :)

I'm open to anything, so whatever pops into your head tell me and I'll do a little googlin' ;)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Well, if you'll take any ideas in, I got on species that I have been interested in for a long while. Its called the everglades pygmy sunfish. Its really cool looking (especially the males in mating season). They grow real small too, but i dont think any petstores will have any, you would have to buy them online somewhere. you would probably have to do a species aquarium though, so that might be out of the question.

Rams would be nice, and you could increase your neon and harlequin rasbora population and have a neat tank.

Ever tried kuhli loaches? Thats all I got, good luck!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Kuhli Loach's are awesome little fish and since you want something a little odd they are. I also think a few other cute species you may like that want eat your neons are, German Blue Rams, Bolivian Rams, Kribs, Dwarf Gouramis, Sparkling Gouramis. Trust me, if you get the kuhli's, you'l be entertained plenty haha, and the kribs also. Bolivian Rams are more like the chilled back fish, they dont move around alot, they just sorta roam arround doing whatever lol. Good Luck Val


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
oou, I've heard about the everglades pygmy sunfish! They are so cool. I read an article about breeding them, they said they do best in a small well planted species tank. I think they even reccomended like 1.5 gallons for 3, they're so tiny!
I like rams but they're a bit overpriced so I'd have to shop around a bit if I get them instead of kirbs, if I even end up getting those. I lurve kuhli's but I may have to order them, they cost a fortune around here. I would also really like an anabantoid, maybe honey gourami or sparkling. I'd also really I think a trip to the lfs is due... maybe I could pick up some cherry shrimp (guppy tank/paludarium) for an excuse ;)
OK... I'm playing around with AqAdvisor and here's V.1

it's bound to change *a lot* but, we gotta start somewhere ;)
I may or may not breed my imbellis this summer (probably early july-late august, if they're up to it) and *IF* I do, I'll use most of the extra funds I make- if any - on this stocking. I'm pretty broke atm so stocking will be slow ;)
More suggestions please!!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Looks good, except you forgot to add clown pleco to the aqadvisor thing. :) And fishman I agree, I've seen black kuhlis at the petstore and they're just like little worms squirming around, very fun to watch! :)

May 8, 2011
i agree i love my little kuhli loach. and a nice gourami is the dwarf gourami i currently have 2 in my tank a male and a female and to start with they are a bit shy but after a few days they are ok and very playful not to mention beautiful


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
They had gold rams at the pet store yesterday. Looked very healthy but I'm not into the gold rams :( . I guess I'll skip the kribs, too. With my "luck" they would spawn every week and I'm not prepared to set up another tank. On the 3rd we're going on a daytrip to a place with a huuge petstore PLUS there is some ridiculous ginormous sale there. Woot woot!

I'm also thinking I'll put my guppies into the 20. I'm down to about 4-6 now and without a male (for now..), I'm also thinking about dwarf gouramis. Oh well, these descisions will be made when something catches my eye ;)


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
you might prefer a bushy instead of a clown pleco. bushies tend to be more active so you will see them more and they are much better on their clean up crew work :)

I have been seeing long fins like crazy sometimes called veils... Albino longfins are really pretty if you can get past the pink eyes (I can't do red eyed pets of any kind) the black/brown long fins are really pretty too :) There is a variety called starry night that have white polka dots on them they are really pretty too. All just variations on the bushy nose

Jul 28, 2011
ok so id up the harlequins and neons to 6 add 6 smaller corys like juliis and add a centerpice fish like a male betta
so you'd have
6-julli or peppered corys
1-clown pleco bulldog pleco or bristlenose pleco
1-male betta