20G SW set-up, what do i need?

Sep 21, 2009
This will be my friends first SW tank and he has been doing research and reading for the past aouple months about it. So far he hasthe tank, heater and a HOB. What else is he going to need? i know you need protein skimmer, lighting and what not. But i dont know what to look for and which one to get. Any links to products you recommend i get would be great or at least the name so i can search for it. Lighting is an issue also. idk what i need. So i need more knowledge on what i need. I also know some say not to put a HOB filter or any filter on it for that matter except a protein skimmer yet everywere i look, including books say you need some type of mechanical filter such as a caniser or HOB. Also what water tester kits do you guys use? What kind of live rock is best and is there a specific amount (pounds) that i need in a 20G? Also is live rock and live sand neccessary and what depth of sand do i want? Any input would be greatlly appreciated.


Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Please read all the stickies at the beginning of the Saltwater forum. They will give you an abundance of information on how to get the ball rolling. They will answer all your questions. After reading those then come back with any questions. You can never do too much reading or research when setting up your saltwater tank. Do all that first before buying your first piece of equipment.