20G with 3 Platys, what else?

Sep 12, 2011
I currently have a 20 US Gallon tank with 3 platys in, and was wondering if
anyone could suggest colourful, compatible tankmates for my Platys, and
also a rough idea on numbers.

The fish I've been looking at are:

  • Tetras
  • Danios
  • Mollys
  • Corys
  • Rams? Not sure if they can be kept in a 20G



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I don't know anything about Rams, but any of the other fish would work. There are also many colors of platys and I also have successfully kept a male betta in with my platys and mollies. He is sapphire blue and a very colorful addition. This particular betta mixes very well with the other fish.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
I have a tank of mostly live-bearers, with guppies, platys, mollies, and 5 neons, and down to 2 danios... I've found the neons to hide much of the time, with the guppies & danios most active, followed by the platys and the molly, tho the last 2 types spend much of their time hiding... I would suggest fish with similar activity levels. also, my live-bearers explode in population every few weeks... A betta might be g ood population control.
If you want a ram, keep in mind that it is semi-aggressive, and while they tend to be more peaceful then other cichlids, they can harass other fish quite often. I have my ram in with my gourami, and he holds his own pretty well. If you do get the ram, make sure everyone has ample hiding spaces. My ram is pretty territorial about his cave.
Tetras are a fun bunch, and will often make use of the middle-level of the tank. While mine hide often, I think it's a function of my active guppies and bullying danios.
Let us know what you end up with! :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I haven't found that any of my fish actually hide and mollies and platies are pretty active. One of my favorites, though is the high fin tetra minor (serpae) They are very colorful, mix well and are very active.