I'm looking to expand on my stocking a little more. My first priority is a bottom feeder(s). I tried keeping a Pleco but he died after a week for some mysterious reason (I don't think he ever ate). I'm changing the water fortnightly but I'm still getting some good algae growth. I'm not offended by the algae, but I just see this as a good opportunity to get a bottom feeder. My question is, looking at my current stocking (see signature), an Oto or 2 or a shoal of Cories? Also, if I choose to go with Cories, is 3 a good number? And could I bring them all home in one day? And could an ADF live with the Cories/Otos too?
Also, my second priority (I'll wait a week or two before adding more), I'd like to get more color in the tank. I'm looking at Neons, Black Skirt Tetras, Guppies (fancy), Gouramis, Angelfish (pretty iffy). I have a couple questions though.
1.) If I go for Guppies and they procreate a little more than I'd like, would my pretty large platies take care of that problem?
2.) If I got fancy guppies, would they interact with my lonely rescued feeder guppy?
3.) Would a small gourami be good? Even if I added a school of tetras, could I still add in a gourami, or would that be overdoing it?
4.) I've had this aquarium for a year and a half, and I had a 5G for a year and a half before that. Do you think I'm ready for an angelfish? I'd get a small one, so I don't think the aggression issue would matter because the platies are bigger.
5.) I've had bad luck with ADFs, but I still love them and want to keep trying. I can just never get them to eat. I've tried the tweezers and bloodworms thing but that never works. And my frogs always seem really lethargic. Any tips on ADFs?
I know, a lot of questions. If you can answer any of them, feel free. I'm just curious as to what my options are and any expertise you guys might have.
Also, my second priority (I'll wait a week or two before adding more), I'd like to get more color in the tank. I'm looking at Neons, Black Skirt Tetras, Guppies (fancy), Gouramis, Angelfish (pretty iffy). I have a couple questions though.
1.) If I go for Guppies and they procreate a little more than I'd like, would my pretty large platies take care of that problem?
2.) If I got fancy guppies, would they interact with my lonely rescued feeder guppy?
3.) Would a small gourami be good? Even if I added a school of tetras, could I still add in a gourami, or would that be overdoing it?
4.) I've had this aquarium for a year and a half, and I had a 5G for a year and a half before that. Do you think I'm ready for an angelfish? I'd get a small one, so I don't think the aggression issue would matter because the platies are bigger.
5.) I've had bad luck with ADFs, but I still love them and want to keep trying. I can just never get them to eat. I've tried the tweezers and bloodworms thing but that never works. And my frogs always seem really lethargic. Any tips on ADFs?
I know, a lot of questions. If you can answer any of them, feel free. I'm just curious as to what my options are and any expertise you guys might have.