Would it be possible to convert a 20L reptile tank (complete with screen lid) into a fish tank? The guy I got the 40L from has a 20L he's willing to give me as well, but it's a definite reptile tank. He seems to think it'd hold water and turn into a fish tank with no problems. If it would, that would solve A LOT of problems for me right now (at least temporarily). I'm running out of places to put everyone with tearing down the 46gal to make way for the 40L. If I could make this 20L work, I could put the male guppies and the platies in it (as well as the USD cat and the otos), then use my two dividers on the two 10gals and make one into a dual tank for two male bettas and the other into a dual tank for one male betta in one side and three female bettas in the other side (oh, and the deformed female guppy...can't forget her!). I've got the gravel and filter situation figured out for both tanks, I just need opinions on whether the reptile tank idea will "hold water," so to speak. It would also be great for after the 40L is up and running because I was wanting to take a 20L and turn it into a betta fraternity (with four 5gal compartments) anyway. THANKS!