24 gal aquapod success!!!

Aug 8, 2008
I have been in the hobby for about 8 months. never been on a forum and I had a few questions. I just got a trachophyllia radiata coral excuse spelling i am not latin. or just a lime green brain. does it need spot feeding? or is it photosynthetic? Also My 24 gal aquapod just went through hell of a time with diatoms for about 2 and a half months then all of a sudden in 4 days poof! gonzo and looking gorgeous again. Also i wanted to say I am obvious very brand newby so all advise is greatly appreciated:)

Aug 8, 2008
So no spot feeding at night? I dont have zoomax but i do have kentmarine phyto plex and coral accel. I also feed the tank flake food and mysis shrimp. the day the diatoms started disapearing was last saturday. I did a water change with grocery store r/o water and viola gonzo. Also only no more than ten hours of light and feeding only once a day. I also got rid of the filter stuff except a bag of chemipure. i also modified my tank. got rid of the pump and put two maxijet 900's and a hydor flo deflector and half inc h locline 125 spouts. just a couple of spots of diatoms, but dissapearing dramattically. Also in the back of the tank I have green spots developing possibly good algae?

Aug 8, 2008
thank you lorna, and also, joe fish, i also have my tank specs in another thread. If i need more info or whatever please let me know. I am on the internet at least for a little bit every day. unless i am dogg tired from working but i love saltwater and willing to talk about anything related to the best of my knowledge. Also could some one please explain how to post photos I have no idea being the new guy and i have not been on the net long so i am learning a little more about these things every day

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i use the site imageshack.us just upload the photo and it gives u the code to post right on to this site (or any other forum).... copy n paste the "Hotlink for forums"
btw welcome to MFT! ;)