I'm hoping someone in this forum can help me out. I have a 120 Gallon tank which has been established for 4 months now. The temperature is 74 F. The Ph is 7.8 or 8.0 (The color from the result is between this range - pet store told me it's 7.8). Ammonia and Nitrite are 0. I do 10% water changes a week and vacuum the gravel once every month during the monthly 50% water change (conditioned with Prime). I have 2 AquaClear 500 filters running and an air pump supporting 90 gallons and up. The tank is home to 12 plants, two African dwarf frogs, two weather loaches, a beta, Koi, and various goldfish such as Orandas, Moors, PearlScales, and commons. These fish were ok for a long time (3 months) but now are starting to bottom sit.
Here is the list of medications I have (I tried salt baths first)
Anti-Bacterial Food
Quick Cure
Life Bearer Fluke medication
None of which works but I have not treated the whole tank... only one fish at a time since I want to find the solution before implementing it on a large scale.
I've had many fish (10 - not introduced all at once) from the pet store die of the same thing. It's been very difficult for me to treat. Here's a break down of what has happened to the fish that died. I've also observed yawning by a few fish once in a while but they aren't gasping at the top.
Stage 1: bottom sitting, erect dorsal fine, rubbing against gravel (1 fish has this right now... only observed it once)
Stage 2: increased bottom sitting (doesn't swim around unless fed or disturbed), dorsal fine down
Stage 3: constantly bottom sitting, dorsal fine down, anal fins clamped, tail starting to look clamped, showing weakness (will move if disturbed or fed)
Stage 4: barely has strength, a whitish film is on body, face, eyes (moves only when disturbed or fed), breathing is slower but seems deeper as well (NO redness in or around the gills)
Stage 5: fish looks pale (color lose - one fish had this), can no longer fight water current and can no longer eat as much - spits out the food
Stage 6: death
The newest med I tried was BiFuran+ for my Oranda which was at Stage 3 before treatment and Stage 1 after treatment. There is one problem... I medicated 4 fish with it (recommended dosage) and all fish were close to death (one died) after 12 hours (I removed them to recover). Though it seems to be the only medication that had a somewhat positive effect, I don't want to use it on my 120G tank.
I believe it's a protozoan disease (Flukes) but I don't see any physical symptoms... only behavioral. I also tried Life Bearer for Flukes but to no success. Lastly, my Oranda got ich so I treated with Quick Cure and for the first time, Quick Cure had no effect and there seems to be more ich spots on her... She's also spitting out most of the food she eats and can barely fight the filter current. Anyways, I eagerly await a response. Thanks in advance.
Here is the list of medications I have (I tried salt baths first)
Anti-Bacterial Food
Quick Cure
Life Bearer Fluke medication
None of which works but I have not treated the whole tank... only one fish at a time since I want to find the solution before implementing it on a large scale.
I've had many fish (10 - not introduced all at once) from the pet store die of the same thing. It's been very difficult for me to treat. Here's a break down of what has happened to the fish that died. I've also observed yawning by a few fish once in a while but they aren't gasping at the top.
Stage 1: bottom sitting, erect dorsal fine, rubbing against gravel (1 fish has this right now... only observed it once)
Stage 2: increased bottom sitting (doesn't swim around unless fed or disturbed), dorsal fine down
Stage 3: constantly bottom sitting, dorsal fine down, anal fins clamped, tail starting to look clamped, showing weakness (will move if disturbed or fed)
Stage 4: barely has strength, a whitish film is on body, face, eyes (moves only when disturbed or fed), breathing is slower but seems deeper as well (NO redness in or around the gills)
Stage 5: fish looks pale (color lose - one fish had this), can no longer fight water current and can no longer eat as much - spits out the food
Stage 6: death
The newest med I tried was BiFuran+ for my Oranda which was at Stage 3 before treatment and Stage 1 after treatment. There is one problem... I medicated 4 fish with it (recommended dosage) and all fish were close to death (one died) after 12 hours (I removed them to recover). Though it seems to be the only medication that had a somewhat positive effect, I don't want to use it on my 120G tank.
I believe it's a protozoan disease (Flukes) but I don't see any physical symptoms... only behavioral. I also tried Life Bearer for Flukes but to no success. Lastly, my Oranda got ich so I treated with Quick Cure and for the first time, Quick Cure had no effect and there seems to be more ich spots on her... She's also spitting out most of the food she eats and can barely fight the filter current. Anyways, I eagerly await a response. Thanks in advance.