29 Gal Build


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2011
So ive got this:

29 gallon tank
Fluval 305 Canister
Hydor 200w Inline Heater
Catalina Aquarium 30in T5 HO light w/ 2x 6500k Bulbs

Will I be able to grow dwarf baby tear and some other plants that ive not yet decided on with no co2?

I mean if I must, I can conjure up the cash to purchase a co2 unit or make one myself and be just as happy not spenind a couple hundred... I would just rather not if i dont have to.

I just wanna know will I be able to grow DBT with no co2, similar to this....

Oh, and I plan on using flourite for subtrate...what you think?
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Feb 27, 2009
You didn't say what watts your T5 lighting is, but you will need a decent amount of light, liquid ferts and a source of carbon to grow Hemianthus callitrichoides from my experience. CO2 is one route (DIY or pressurized), some use Excel also.

A 29gallon tank can be difficult to get good light at the substrate level without needing ferts and CO2 to balance it out so you don't get algae growth instead.

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Small Fish
Jul 26, 2011
IMG_1631.jpg so i finally got around to adding some fluval stratum subtrate, and running my filters to make sure there was no leaks...water cleared up well.

Should I have more subtrate in there? and should I mix something in with it?


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
In a 29 gallon tank it may be more cost effective to use excel than to purchase a con kit, and worth the cost to avoid maintaining a diy co2 kit. About 1.5cc daily of excel in a 29gal tank. 1 bottle @ $10 should last you several months.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I'm looking at buying the Catalina Solar T5HO 4x54w for my 75g. Not decided on that, or a DIY LED route yet. Looks to be great T5 lights.

If your wanting to go for a carpet like that I really like you'll end up wanting a pressurized Co2 setup. I think your set on everything else, the light might be a bit of concern for me just as was already said, the depth of the tank. But it might be fine, not tried anything like that in a 29 before.

You can get a regulator, solenoid and needle valve for regular Co2 tanks for under $100 (still have to come up with a Co2 tank). Or, you can get a full setup that runs off of a paintball tank for usually under $70. (including tank. )You would still need a good way to get the gas into the tank, and if it were me with that setup, I would probably get an inline diffuser.

Co2 gas is not necessary, but you will see better results with it.


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2011
got all this from GreenLeafAquarium.com
-Choice regulator
-10LB tank
-Atomic diffuser

I said **** it....and just blew the money.

gotta figure out where I can get plants here in hawaii, or mail order...any suggestions?


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2011
yeah the rocks are good Pat, thanks for checkin!...

And I found a bag of ADA Amazonia soil for 20$
Gonna slope it up the backside to create some contrast

My co2 equipment is at the post office, ready for my pickup tomo.

UNFORTUNATELY I will be on a training exercise for a week and wont be able to get my tank started untill after that. But Ill keep you all posted!!!


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2011
Ive got my Regulator, Co2 cylinder and diffuser from GLA...YES!!!

Gotta get some bubble counter fluid and a check valve..although...
The choice regulator I bought from GLA states...(Brass bubble counter with built in check valve to eliminate entry of moisture into internal components of regulator.)
...do I still need a check valve?

Gotta find me a good plant source here on island or mail order....my setup wont be done untill next week when I get back from a training exercise.

hmm, well if that's the case BigCheese Ill just take one of the bulbs out...we'll see. Ill keep you posted