29 gal. prices

what kind of filtration would i need for a 29 galoon? i am trying to get a price on how much it would cost to convert my currently FW 29. my mom wants to know because she liked my 5 gallon so much she got mad because i didnt convert my 29 instead!!! *thumbsups for the first time i was glad she was mad at me. anyways after much of her convincing me (yeah right) she said she would help me pay for what i needed if i converted it. would i need a skimmer on a 29? is a 29 actually nano? what other equipment would i need? it is a walmart kit so the lighting is crappy, bit i dont want to do new lights for now... probably will in the future though.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Since you've already got the filter, you can use it without the media and a powerhead for extra water movement. You shouldn't need any other extra equipment, just some live rock and a powerhead. Not sure if you'd need a skimmer or not. It couldn't hurt, but it is a big expense.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes, 29 is a bit beyond the limit for just water changes for me. I would say skimmer + LR, but there are other options. Depends what you want to keep of course.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Umm, 29 gallons is about the point where keeping up with the water changes becomes a bit more of a chore, meaning 5 gallons plus a week if you want to stay on top of things, especially as most people overstock anyway