29 gal reef 20 gal /refuge

Jun 8, 2008
I have a 29 gal which i just bought and recently moved my old 20 gal long reef into it. I have 2 penguin hob filters for top flow, hydor koralia nano, and a maxi jet 400 power head in the tank itself. i drilled the tank and diy'd an overflow out of 1" pvc, and have a maxijet 1200 as a return. visitherm stealth 50watt and another 25 watt heaters. for lighting i have 2 dual bulb coralife 30" t5s 18 watt bulbs 72 watts .i do water changes once a month, stocking is about 30 lbs live rock 20 or so lbs live sand some playsand in the sump? a velvet damsel and a percula clown, not sure if its true or false, various hermits some have orange legs some have blue legs about 7 altogether, a turbo snail,a emerald green crab last i saw a porcelain crab and tons of other tiny snails and a bunch other unknown critters. for corals i have a like 5 different types of mushrooms and 2 different zoanths. for my first question they all seem to be splitting good except for one of the zoanths been in there for a year and still 7 polyps, is there something i am doing wrong? i want to move the clown and damsel out is there a link on which inverts are good together? Should i add another powerhead to my tank or do i have sufficient flow? what is a good lighting for a sump/refuge? what kinds of plants besides chaeto are easy kept? i have been fragging some shrooms and just sandwiching them between rocks is there a better way? how complicating is it to install the kits for lighting? would you guys do something different. i am just trying to make the reef the best i can and really need alot of help I do understand alot of stuff but some stuff there are so many opinions on. I apreciate your help.