29 gal reef

Jun 8, 2008
hi i was just wondering what a good fish/invert combo for a 29 gal reef with 20 gal refuge. i have a very aggressive clownfish and have had him for a year now i bought a velvet damsel like 2 weeks ago and he is constantly going at him although the damsel doesnt seem to mind these attacks he will even attack my hand. lol he doesnt mind my hermits or snails and crabs though but never tried putting shrimp in. do you think he would attack them maybe some peppermint shrimp? also i heard of a goby/shrimp setup and if i put the clown in another tank how many inverts would i be able to stock it with if i just go with 3-4 small gobies or dartfish? would a clown suffive in a 10 gal if i hooked one on my system?