29 gallon set-up.

Hi all,

I'm back - now it's not for me but for my g/f. :p Anyhow, her/our question is what all is needed to set-up her tank for salt water? She too wants to just go salt water. We were told a buffer, 150 watt heater, hygrometer, 25lbs. of crushed coral and 50 gallons of salt were all that was needed for her set up. We're not wanting to go "all out" so to speak on her tank - so therefore nothing extravagant. So if any of this information seems incorrect or you guys think something else would be better please let us know. We're up for buying things that are no longer used by you guys (if you have anything) that you may have used in your smaller tanks (back whenever this was):) Thanks in advance!

David & Keri*celebrate

Dec 20, 2003
Bemidji, MN
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i wish my gf would want to get into saltwater tanks!

well, im assuming you will be setting up a fish-only tank, you will need a substrate and live rock, if you dont plan on keeping and corals then you wont need an extremely bright light, a NO flourescent tube will do, maybe even 2 if you want.