

Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well after a few months of waiting for my cons to breed, i have to decided to give up hope.They just wont breed,they havent even had eggs!I am also tired of them fighting, my female has a few nipped fins so im going to at least separate them.And her amazingly orange belly has turned to a ,well idk i cant find the words at the moment],So now I think im going to try to breed something else.I just dont know what?I want to try to make some money off them, so something fairly unique.I asked if they would take krib fry but they said no,Sooooo any suggestions!?Or do you have any idea on how to fix my problem with the cons? Sorry for rambling on so much!I have also thought about taking my one con that nobody is 100% sure is a male back and adding another female and a for sure male?To possible get a good pair.

You can take that one back, and get another like you suggested. Or, one cichlid that i kept and bred after 1 week from when i got them is the Jewel Cichlid. They are aggressive, but they will breed fast if under the right water conditions. My first pair had 350 fry and i sold about 300 of them to one lfs and there REALLY good parents. Or you can also try to get the angels to pair up if they haven't all ready?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
try apistos :) colorful critters and you could add some tetras to fill the top
or GBRs
you could always ask your lfs what you could breed and get money or credit for

and with the cons, some are just very incompatible.
could you get pics? may be possible you have 2 of the same sex.
but i would say trade them in if you can and get a young pair that look like their interested in one another. normally you can tell which ones are ready to breed pretty easily by behavior


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
I put some pics of my angels on your "Show me your angels" or w/e it was called.They should be on the last page but ill post some new.And as for the cons i have already posted them before too.They should be on "Con ?'s". For the angels ill pm u new pics silverd.