2x male JD's in 55g = disaster?


Medium Fish
Jan 2, 2005
Visit site
I started off w/ 4 2" Jack Dempseys in my 55g, with the plan of keeping only 2 all along. They are now all about 4-5", so it's time to break 'em up! My family had 2 8-10" JDs in a 55g all while I grew up living at home, but they were a male and a female. We took good care of them (they're still there), and they were always healthy - so I know it's not total taboo to have 2 JDs in a 55g.

What I'd really like to know is: will keeping 2 male JDs be a really really bad idea? I know they are typically somewhat more aggressive than females, but the ones I have aren't really aggressive towards each other at all currently. I just wanted to keep the 2 I think are males because they are so much more pretty LOL Will they be able to tolerate each other, or am I really setting myself up for disaster?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I agree ^^^. It is possible that since they have been together so long they may tolerate eachother. But that is not always the case. As long as you are aware of that then I say give it a shot. But dont let one kill the other make sure that you keep a very close eye on them. Good Luck!!


Medium Fish
Dec 8, 2005
I would have tank divider on hand, so you will be able to separate them quickly if need be. This will give you some time to decide what to do next. Personally, I would keep a male and female in hopes of getting a breeding pair. Females do tend to have less of an id look, but I might be pretty aggressive if I was locked in a glass box with another dude for the rest of my life. Good Luck!