I started off w/ 4 2" Jack Dempseys in my 55g, with the plan of keeping only 2 all along. They are now all about 4-5", so it's time to break 'em up! My family had 2 8-10" JDs in a 55g all while I grew up living at home, but they were a male and a female. We took good care of them (they're still there), and they were always healthy - so I know it's not total taboo to have 2 JDs in a 55g.
What I'd really like to know is: will keeping 2 male JDs be a really really bad idea? I know they are typically somewhat more aggressive than females, but the ones I have aren't really aggressive towards each other at all currently. I just wanted to keep the 2 I think are males because they are so much more pretty LOL Will they be able to tolerate each other, or am I really setting myself up for disaster?
What I'd really like to know is: will keeping 2 male JDs be a really really bad idea? I know they are typically somewhat more aggressive than females, but the ones I have aren't really aggressive towards each other at all currently. I just wanted to keep the 2 I think are males because they are so much more pretty LOL Will they be able to tolerate each other, or am I really setting myself up for disaster?