Hello All. Just wanted to say first and foremost, thanks a ton for taking a minute to look at my new thread and attempt to help me out. Any and all advice, direction, etc. is warmly welcomed. Although I am headfirst, head over heels in love with and involved with this hobby, i"m still very new. New enough, in fact to fall for quite a few of the gimmicks and make some very rookie mistakes.
I have a 29 gallon starter. 4 Gold Barbs, 1 bala shark (been impressed with how passive he is) 10 jumbo neon tetras and 8 other tetras ( 4 Buenos Aires and 4 Bleeding hearts)
I set my tank up, let it cycle for about two days and began adding fish. This was over a week ago.
Of course, now, as I've been told Bleeding hearts can do, have come down with pretty severe cases of ich and a few of my Buenos Aires and Jumbo Neons are showing signs as well. Everyone else seems to be ok. Throughout my research i've found that it's pretty much useless to treat them during the phase when they're showing the signs of being covered in sugar or salt. To treat effectively you should wait until these 'fall off', hope they survive, and then treat when the parasite is more exposed.
Well, I'm at the stage where you can see that they are covered in the white spots. Now what. I know you should avoid treating the whole tank as it will kill my cycle and I'll have to start from the beginning. I've been slowly cranking the heat up and it's about as high as it will go right now (82-83 consistently). I've also been adding salt periodically and believe I might now even have MORE than the "one well rounded tablespoon per 5 gallons" rule.
Where do I go, what do I do from here to put this thing in it's place and hopefully save my fish? Never dealt with this before and don't want to lose these guys. I thought about taking the ones with the signs of infection out of the tank and just putting them in a large bucket or 'hospital tank' and begin treating them. My thought too is that when the parasite drops off, they'll do it in the bucket and not in my tank.
I have a 29 gallon starter. 4 Gold Barbs, 1 bala shark (been impressed with how passive he is) 10 jumbo neon tetras and 8 other tetras ( 4 Buenos Aires and 4 Bleeding hearts)
I set my tank up, let it cycle for about two days and began adding fish. This was over a week ago.
Of course, now, as I've been told Bleeding hearts can do, have come down with pretty severe cases of ich and a few of my Buenos Aires and Jumbo Neons are showing signs as well. Everyone else seems to be ok. Throughout my research i've found that it's pretty much useless to treat them during the phase when they're showing the signs of being covered in sugar or salt. To treat effectively you should wait until these 'fall off', hope they survive, and then treat when the parasite is more exposed.
Well, I'm at the stage where you can see that they are covered in the white spots. Now what. I know you should avoid treating the whole tank as it will kill my cycle and I'll have to start from the beginning. I've been slowly cranking the heat up and it's about as high as it will go right now (82-83 consistently). I've also been adding salt periodically and believe I might now even have MORE than the "one well rounded tablespoon per 5 gallons" rule.
Where do I go, what do I do from here to put this thing in it's place and hopefully save my fish? Never dealt with this before and don't want to lose these guys. I thought about taking the ones with the signs of infection out of the tank and just putting them in a large bucket or 'hospital tank' and begin treating them. My thought too is that when the parasite drops off, they'll do it in the bucket and not in my tank.