3 dead pink barbs :(


Medium Fish
May 15, 2010
Montreal, quebec, canada
Hi i started a 20 gal non planted tank about 3 weeks ago. Now after running tests the water conditions were fine, and so i added in the first small batch of pink barbs (3) to get things rolling. Now, for whatever reason, one died, i thought maybe it was stress from moving, but i tested the water anyways, and still it was fine. then about a day later another one died... and then yesterday the last one died... all the long the ph, amonia, nits, were all good, at one point the nitrites were slghtly elevated but not to the point of being lethal. I was told barbs are hardy and that they would be ok in the new tank.

I have a 32 gal com. tank which is going "swimmingly" (lol). At this point the only thing left in the tank is my betta, which only just got put in there as a holding tank, because after over a month of being with the other fish, i woke up a few days ago, and someone had eaten most of his tail strands (its a crown tail) so i put him in the 20 were he seems to be healing slowly.

Any ideas whats going on with the barbs? at first they wouldnt eat, then finally i gave them some frozen bloodworms, (which i generally save for my 32 cause the fish there ALL love them) and they chowed down (the two left) a day later one was dead, and then the next day the last one. They will be replaced at the pet shop, but i dont want to put them back in for fear of the same results.... Help?

May 7, 2010
I had 5 Cherry Barbs if thats what you mean by pink barbs they all died. So far in my small amount of experiance I have found Danios to be the hardiest all my cherrys died I have 8 zebra danios though 3 of those 8 are glowfish.