3 Oscars Gone?


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok, so I bought 3, 2" Oscars for my tank this weekend. I put them in there after acclimation procedure and were very shy at stuck towards the top of the tank. That evening after checking on them, I went off to bed.

Well, in the morning, they were gone. Obviously they got ate, but what did I do wrong? The pacu's are RARELY fed meat and never go after the other tank inhabitants. I knew there would be some fighting with the convicts, but they are close in size and I didn't think it would turn out this bad! Where did I go wrong?

Of course I have no real idea who did all the killing either. The Convicts or Pacu's? Do Oscars and Convicts not belong in the same tank? Or did the Pacu's go after them cause they were newbies in the tank?

Any insight would be great. Thanks!


Medium Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Vancouver, BC
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Frankly, I think the oscars turned into a midnight snack for the pacus. The convicts just don't seem big enough, and though I have seen fish (other cichlids) beaten into a living pulp by convicts, the victims were never just gone. And no, they weren't my fish...poor fish. :(


Medium Fish
Nov 9, 2002
Rochester Ny
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Flood, what size tank is this in? i deffinitly agree w/ Eire about the snack. I personaly wqouldnt ahve put oscars in that tank, because they arent agressive fish and thede be dealing w/ those cons and pacus all the time. Try i differnt sized oscar if you get more.


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well.. My mistake then. I thought the oscars could fend against the similar sized convicts. I also thought the oscars were right on par with the convicts as far as agressiviness. Then when I bought these Pacus's, they were in a tank with serveral other large Barbs and Oscars. So I didn't think the Pacu's would be an issue either.

Nothing really in my tank is overly agressive. I have had bully fish in the past, but these guys are not like that. For instance, my cory cats are never harmed by my other fish. Who here would think cory cats could live 1 year in a tank with pacu's and convicts? It has happened in my tank. :)

Oh well. I doubt I will get anything to replace them. The Pacu's are my prize fish and I don't want to risk introducing diease or a fish who would harm them.

Thanks for the info guys.