You'll love the BN pleco! Mine is so adorable (she was an accidental buy from Walmart...I saw her when she was about 1.5" and she just looked different than the commons they carry, so I bought her and figured if she turned out to be a common that I'd take her to the LFS...imagine my surprise when she started growing bristles on her nose!).
I like the 1 opaline gourami, 12 tiger barbs and one BN pleco idea.
At 90% stocked, you could even add four cories (of the smaller varieties like albinos, peppereds, pandas, pygmies) and still be okay.
TAL-otos need a tank that's been established for AT LEAST six months with a generous source of algae. They are all wild-caught using cyanide and many don't make it regardless of being in a well-established tank with plenty of food. I've had pretty good luck with most of mine, but I've had some that didn't even make it home from the store. That being said, I also had one that lost an eye while in my 18gal tank (still don't know how it happened) and she was with me for over a year after that. She finally died when the 55gal went Chernobyl.