30 Gal Tank Setup (Planned)


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
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Just curious what you guys think of my planned 30 gal (3ft) tank setup:

8 Tiger Barbs
1 Opaline Gourami
1 Red Tail Shark or Red Finned Shark

If you really feel the Opaline and TBs won't get along, please suggest another top level fish that I could have.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The tiger barbs and gourami will be great together as long as you get the tiger barbs when they're small. I had seven tiger barbs and an opaline gourami in my 29gal tank and got the tiger barbs when they were less than 1" long, so the gourami kept them in line. Now they're afraid of everything, including "Jaws," my peppered cory who loves to mess with them (he'll circle underneath them until they aren't paying attention and then dart up into the middle of their school and watch them scatter). They're now about 1.5".

I'm not sure the RTS will fit in your tank, though. They get to be quite large (about 6-8", I believe) and are VERY active fish, so it is generally recommended that they be kept in tanks 55gal or larger.

Try plugging your potential stock into aqadvisor.com and see what it has to say.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Swap the red tail for a rainbow shark.

Sounds like a fun tank.

No bottom feeders???

Maybe 3 cories or some shrimp...someone has to clean that bottom. Maybe a couple of Otto??


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
TAL, otos won't clean the bottom. They're strictly algae-eaters. A small school of cories *might* work since they have a small bio-load, but the OP would have to overfilter quite a bit (example...I have seven tiger barbs, four cories, two otos, a BN pleco and a SA bumblebee cat in my 29gal and I'm running an AquaClear 50 to keep up with it).


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
My tigers do well in their planted tank. I don't know about regular gouramis, but my dwarf gourami loves to pull up my small sword plants in his 18gal tank, which has earned him the name of "Little Bugger."

What did AqAdvisor say about your stocking?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Aqadvisor is wayy too cautious in there stocking recommendations.

That being said, I agree that if he were to add the cories then beefing up the filtration is necessary.

And heck...add in two ottos two. Algae needs to be eaten!

Yes....I do think "properly" stocked tanks are understocked and boring.

But stuffing way to many is crazy....so you try to get top swimmers....mid levels, and bottom fish, and night fish who mostly hide in order to overstock the way I like to overstock.

OP........please post pics and tell us your final decisions!


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
Visit site
According to AqAdvisor:

1 Opaline Gourami, 10 Tiger Barbs, 1 Rainbow Shark = 85% stocking level and 120% filtration. But, they suggest the Rainbow Shark will outgrow my tank. So, I'm considering a Bristlenose Pleco instead, which will still keep the stocking level around 82%. Upping it to 12 TBs would give me 90% stocking level.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You'll love the BN pleco! Mine is so adorable (she was an accidental buy from Walmart...I saw her when she was about 1.5" and she just looked different than the commons they carry, so I bought her and figured if she turned out to be a common that I'd take her to the LFS...imagine my surprise when she started growing bristles on her nose!).

I like the 1 opaline gourami, 12 tiger barbs and one BN pleco idea. :) At 90% stocked, you could even add four cories (of the smaller varieties like albinos, peppereds, pandas, pygmies) and still be okay.

TAL-otos need a tank that's been established for AT LEAST six months with a generous source of algae. They are all wild-caught using cyanide and many don't make it regardless of being in a well-established tank with plenty of food. I've had pretty good luck with most of mine, but I've had some that didn't even make it home from the store. That being said, I also had one that lost an eye while in my 18gal tank (still don't know how it happened) and she was with me for over a year after that. She finally died when the 55gal went Chernobyl.