30 gal tank transfer

Apr 17, 2008
well in one of my earlier posts *new*nano i think instead of getting a nano i should convert my freshwater in a salt water tank giving my more money to buy more and the fish get more space instead of a 12g so what would i need to start up a sw 30 gal? ive got a bio wheel for 50gal and im ordering a magnum hang on canister filter

Ps dnt worry about my fish ill give them to my friend that also loves fish :)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
The bio wheel and the canister filter will be worthless (actually, detrimental) on a SW tank, though you could use the powerfilter (without the biowheel) for water movement and surface distortion.

You will want some high quality live rock and a few good powerheads. Basically the same things you will need for a 12g - just more of it.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
just get a few koralias (a #1 + a #2 will prolly work good on that tank) a minimum of 30lbs of live rock and thatll be good enough to get your cycle going.... if i remeber correctly u wanted to keep some of the easier to keep corals if thats the case youll need to look into lighting (pc's or t5's) the bigger tank will also allow u to keep a few more fish ;)

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Apr 17, 2008
oh yea and yesterday OMG i did a 88% water change cleaned ALL of the algee off the walls very hard and i cleaned out EVERYTHING filter tank tank hood lights stand it took me about 3hrs 3.5hrs but common give me a break im 13 and i didnt have airline tubing to kinda siphon it out wow was that hard but wow it looks nice now its empty exept for sand at the bottom and 2 filters and a heater :)