30G stocking ideas...

I have decided that i am going to get some more cichlids(as i am falling madely in luv with them:p:p), but i have no idea on what ones to get for the 30G. Here is a list of some that i realy like and that i am interested in breeding.

Rock kribs
Bolivian rams
Cockatoo Apistos
Red-Shouldered Apistos

Yes it is a good list(at least i think so...) but there are so many cichlids out there that it is kinda hard for me to make up my mind on what ones to get.

If there are anyothers that you would recommened for me to get, feel free to make your own list to share!

Oct 14, 2006
New Hampshire
I would go by Temperment or something like Mbuna or Lake Malawia(spelling?).... Just something like a theme because GBR I have read, are Timid and usually peaceful except during breeding and something like Firemouths are fish that are semi-fully aggressive, especially while breeding. I would try to make sure they have at least the same temperment, even if they're mixed in:)


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Convicts will breed so fast that you will be over run by babies. They are known as the Guppies of the Cichlid World. I have a pair of Cockatoos and I LOVE THEM! Firemouth have some neat coloring when they are breeding. But your best bet is to read about the breeding needs and requirements and see which ones you are ready to take on. That IMO is the best way to decide. :p

Fishrockmysox said:
I would go by Temperment or something like Mbuna or Lake Malawia(spelling?).... Just something like a theme because GBR I have read, are Timid and usually peaceful except during breeding and something like Firemouths are fish that are semi-fully aggressive, especially while breeding. I would try to make sure they have at least the same temperment, even if they're mixed in:)
Yes i would go by temperment also, but i have done alot of research on these fish that i think that i am ready to try them out. When i got my Jewel Cichlids, the person who work at the LFS said that there Semi-aggresive, but i haven't had any problems with them except for the ones in my 55G who like to get in a litlle "argument" with the angels, but nothing seriouse ever happens.

when i get back home(i am in California right now) I am going to be moving the fish and tanks over there first. Then once all of the tanks are set up, i am going to start cycling a 10G and the 30G.

Jan 13, 2006
lol sure you can pick the fish, but then you will be going crazy trying to aquascape around them, will the dark background look good? or blue? or fake plant background? what kind of plants do i want? what kind of plants look good with them? ohhh and how do i arange caves? or should i have caves or rocks or driftwood? lol im just going by what im doing now with my 25 tall..... dont mind my rambling.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
How about some of the Tanganyikan cichlids? What they lack in color they more than make up for in personality, and after knowing what you've had for the past bit it would be something very different than what you've previously kept.

Just about any of the shellies, the dwarf julies, many of the neolamprologus and Alto's would work. And if your carefull with the types of fish and the way you arange the tank you can even get more than one species breeding at the same time.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Brichardi is a great option if you want a species only tank. They breed like crazy, and show excellent parental care for the fry. This comes into play if you want to keep any other fish in the tank. They have been known to bully and keep a fish 3 times their size up in the corner of the tank.

Orion said:
Brichardi is a great option if you want a species only tank. They breed like crazy, and show excellent parental care for the fry. This comes into play if you want to keep any other fish in the tank. They have been known to bully and keep a fish 3 times their size up in the corner of the tank.
Ok so Brichardi is now on my list. Anyother ones from Tangayika(sp?)??? oh and katie, how are your Convict fry??

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